Completed Bingo for Leverageland

Apr 30, 2012 00:29

SLEEP (Gen, 184 words)

The team didn’t often see Eliot sleep. Sure, they’d seen him unconscious a time or two, but that didn’t really count. Even then, he would rouse almost as soon as someone from the team came to his aid. But for him to close his eyes of his own volition and drift into a restful slumber while someone else was present… well, that just didn’t happen.

That’s why Nate was more than a little surprised when he felt the dead weight of Eliot’s body lean heavily against his own as Hardison drove the team home after a doozy of a job. Long brown locks spilled against Nate shoulder as Eliot’s head fell unceremoniously to one side.

When Hardison pulled the van to a stop in front of McRory’s, he, Sophie, and Parker wordlessly climbed out and disappeared into the bar. Nate stayed right where he was and gazed out the window at the darkened Boston streets. He knew he’d have to wake Eliot eventually, but for now, he was content to sit in the van and listen to the even breaths of his sleeping hitter.






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SNEEZE (Eliot-Hardison friendship, 198 words)

“Man, I told you to turn your head when you sneeze. You nailed me with little drops of Eliot germs.”

“Gimme a break,” Eliot snarled. Or at least Hardison figured he meant it to be a snarl. He didn’t sound particularly fierce through a stuffed nose.

Shaking his head disdainfully, Hardison lathered his skin with hand sanitizer and turned back to his computer. No sooner had he logged into his game, he heard a loud sneeze across from him, accompanied by a groan and a torrent of mumbled cuss words.

Letting out a breath, he tossed an entire box of Kleenexes across the table to the ailing hitter. Hardison flashed a little grin. “I suppose now wouldn’t be a good time for me to ask you what’s for dinner?”

Eliot glared like he was about to tell him off but instead, he sneezed again and buried his face helplessly in his hands. Hardison gazed at Eliot, who sat red-eyed and wheezing on the other side of the table. The poor guy really did look miserable.

Closing his laptop, Hardison stood up and patted Eliot on the shoulder before headed into the kitchen. “Nana’s special chicken soup coming up.”






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GRIM (Leverage/Grimm crossover, 157 words)

A hard, grim expression darkened Eliot Spencer’s face. He was standing in the Portland living room of his cousin, trying to wrap his head around what he’d just heard. He had no idea how to respond, so after several minutes, he just shook his head and settled for a “seriously?”

“Look, Eliot. I know what you’ve heard about them, but Nick is-”

“No, you look, Monroe.” He took a step forward. “What kind of self-respecting Blutbad would hang around with a Grimm like he’s the sidekick in a buddy movie?”

Monroe stared at him, open-mouthed. “I’m not the sidekick.”

“Whatever.” Eliot scowled. “What’s your mother gonna say?”

Monroe was silent for a moment, then he poked a finger at Eliot’s chest. “Hey wait. Isn’t the guy you hang around the insurance investigator who chased you all those years?”

Eliot licked his lips. “Maybe.”

“What kind of a self-respecting Blutbad would hang around with an insurance investigator?”

Touché, Eliot thought to himself. “So, uh… cook me dinner?”

“Yeah, sure.”

HAPPINESS (1440x900, click image to enlarge)

CLUMSY (implied Parker/Eliot/Hardison, 259 words)

For a world class thief who had relied on catlike grace and dexterity her whole professional life, Parker could really take a tumble now and then. Usually, it happened when someone had the bright idea to put her in high heels or some other deadly contraption. Like tonight, for example. She might have grace to leap from building to building in the dead of the night, but ask her to walk into a fancy restaurant in shoes that Sophie picked out? That was just asking for trouble.

She would have been happy just staying in and eating Eliot’s cooking or watching one of Hardison’s sci-fi films. But Sophie had encouraged her to take the boys out to a proper restaurant for a proper night on the town. What Sophie had forgotten, though, is that Parker in heels and a fancy dress is still Parker.

As she, Eliot, and Hardison walked into the front door of the restaurant where they had reservations, Parker wobbled along on heels that looked like they could double as a weapons if they were jumped before desert. On the way to the table, her right heel caught on a fold in the carpet, and she started to tumble forward.

Before she could hit the ground, though, Eliot and Hardison each caught and arm and held on tight until she steadied herself. She smiled at each of them in turn. She might not be as sophisticated and graceful as Sophie, but at least she knew she had Eliot and Hardison to catch her if she fell.






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BASH (1440x900, click image to enlarge)

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icons, fic: leverage, land comms rock, tv: leverage

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