A quick note about Evergreen and Chapter 24

Jul 19, 2007 15:22

IMPORTANT NOTE: In light of Wayne's divorce, I felt the Colin/Wayne story would seem a little insensitive if I left it how it was, so to detach it as far from reality as possible I've changed a few things:
- Wayne's wife is now Julie Larson
- Colin's wife is now Josie Lawrence
- Brad's landlady is now Kathy Kinney
I have made these changes in the previous chapters, but as long as you remember the changes, there's no need to re-read them.
Thanks :)


Title: Evergreen
Chapter: 24 - A Note and a Confontation
Fandom: Whose Line is it Anyway/Green Screen
Genre: Slash
Pairing(s): Brad/Ryan. Colin/Wayne. Drew/Greg.
Warnings: Some strong language
Disclaimer: Don't own Whose Line. Not making money from this.
A/N: AU. Introducing YET ANOTHER plot, but probably won't expand on it for a little while. I'm feeling a bit...bleh at the moment, so this isn't the best chapter I've ever written.


Brad and Jeff barely had time to blink as Karen shot out of her chair and out of the hospital, dropping Jonathan's note on the floor in the process.

"The hell...?" Brad muttered as he and Jeff took off after her. He slowed down and swiped the note from the ground as he ran past it, and prepared to catch up to Jeff when he felt a hand on his non-broken arm. He stopped and turned round to come face to face with Jonathan's nurse.


"Not now, Denny." he said coldly, shaking free from her grip.

Denny narrowed her eyes at him, "We have to talk!"

"Not now!" he repeated as he raced out of the door, "Karen!"

He joined Jeff's side as they ran.

"Where is she going?" Jeff asked.

Brad shook his head and pushed himself to run faster, "Knowing Karen...could be anywhere."

Suddenly, Jeff grabbed Brad around the waist and dragged him to the side, almost slamming him into a car.

"Get in," he instructed, "We'll cut her off at the exit."

Brad nodded and clambered into the passenger side of Jeff's car. With an impressive roar, Jeff sped the car out of its space, across the parking lot and past Karen. Brad felt like he was in an action movie, gripping the seat as Jeff swerved the car with a deafening screech and blocked her escape. Brad leapt out of the car and grabbed Karen with his good arm.

"Karen, stop, for God's sake!"

Karen writhed in his grip, "Lemme GO!"

"Hey, calm down!" Jeff said, jogging up to help Brad restrain her. She squirmed for a little while longer, then relaxed and dropped to the ground, sobbing into her chest. Jeff knelt beside her as Brad opened the note in his hand. He felt a lump catch in his throat as he read his own name and the apology that followed it, and he had to take a moment to bite back on his tears before casting his eyes down to Karen's name.




Greg pressed the buzzer one more time, glancing up at the third storey window. He'd been standing outside his and Drew's building for almost an hour with absolutely no sign of Drew. He hadn't bothered to take a key when he stormed out; he assumed Drew would act like an adult and let him in when he came back. He sighed despondantly and turned to leave, only to see Drew's car pull into the car park.

"Hey!" he called to the other man as he got out of the vehicle.

This is it, he told himself as he walked purposefully over.

"Drew, I-"

"I don't wanna hear it," Drew said brusquely as he pushed past Greg.

Greg stared after him, "I came to apologise, so you are damn well going to hear it, even if I have to pin you to the ground to make you hear it!"

Drew pointedly ignored him and let himself into the building. Greg raced over and stuck his foot between the door and the frame, causing a loud and painful crack, but allowing him to get in and grab Drew by the shoulder.

"Are you going to listen?"

Drew shook him off, "No!"

Greg rolled his eyes, "Pin you to the ground it is..."

Drew yelped as Greg's arms strangled his waist, and his force sent them both hurtling towards the lobby floor, face first. They landed, each with a pained 'oof' and their legs tangled together, Greg's arms still wrapped firmly around Drew's middle. Greg shook his legs free, rolled Drew onto his back and straddled him, holding Drew's shoulders firmly to the floor.

"This seem familiar?" he quipped with absolutely no humour in his voice, "Now listen to me!"

Drew squirmed for a moment, then gave up. Panting heavily, he looked up at Greg, "Fine..."

"Right. Now, I think this little argument we're having - and all the little arguments we have - is caused by trust. Specifically, a lack thereof. So I'm going to take the first step and clear the air."

He took a deep breath. This was going to one way or the other. And he prayed it wouldn't go the other.

"I smoked cocaine for three years and I took heroin once and only once. I've been clean for two years, aside from my slip on Friday. I took a twenty from your wallet last year and never returned it. I once took the grocery money and went on a bar crawl with Wayne and Brad. I wasn't sick three weeks ago, I just didn't want to visit your brother. I haven't always kept the car filled with gas. Yes, the checked suit does make you look fat, I was just trying to spare your feelings. No, rubbing my knee does not count as foreplay. And...I kissed Chip this afernoon, but it didn't lead to anything."

Greg took a moment to catch his breath, trying to determine Drew's feelings from his unreadable expression.


Drew swallowed, "You can let me up now."

Greg stood up and helped Drew to his feet.

"I figured getting all this stuff out in the open," Greg explained as they walked up the stairs to their apartment, "would be a good way to confront the trust issue and start fresh."

Drew remained silent and expressionless.

"Of course," Greg said after a while, trying to keep his tone casual, "it'll probably only work if you do it, too..."

Drew put his key in the lock and opened the door, stepping to the side to let Greg into their apartment first.

"Drew? You...wanna give it a shot?"

Drew ran a hand down his face, "No."

Greg gave a start, "N-no?"

"No. The very fact we have to go through all this shows how little trust we have in each other."

Greg folded his arms, "You mean how little trust you have in me."

Drew leaned against the door to close it, "You trust me?"

"Well..." Greg's autopilot wanted to scream 'yes', but something stopped him. Why was Drew so unwilling to co operate? Was there something he was hiding? Greg had just poured his heart out, and Drew was responding by putting a barrier up around his.

Greg sighed. Between this fight and the one they'd had that morning, he knew that as much as he hated it, he had the answer, "I love you, Drew. But...no. I don't trust you. Not any more."


fic: sess_satan - evergreen

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