Evergreen: Chapter 15

May 31, 2007 14:42

Title: Evergreen
Chapter: 15 - New Apartment
Fandom: Whose Line is it Anyway/Green Screen
Genre: Slash
Pairing(s): Brad/Ryan. Colin/Wayne. Drew/Greg.
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: Don't own Whose Line. Not making money from this.
A/N: AU. Not a great chapter, but it has the beginnings of Ryan/Brad.


“There isn’t much to show you, really,” Wayne said, as he, Brad and Ryan entered the room, “This is the living room.”

Brad and Ryan looked around. It wasn’t huge, but Wayne had utilized the space well to make it seem bigger than it was. The walls were a pale green, and the floorboards were a rich, golden brown dotted with fluffy dark green rugs. There was a green and white sofa against the back wall and a television mounted into the opposite wall. At the other end of the room there was a small kitchenette, a dining table and another door.

“I left the kitchenette in…just because the last proprietor told me to, really,” Wayne explained, “But you’re welcome to eat downstairs. I’ll tell Kathy that you live here, and she’ll be more than happy to make you something.”

“I’ve gotta say, Wayne,” Brad said, stepping further into the room, “you’ve got a real eye for this interior decorating thing.”

Wayne waved a hand dismissively, “I didn’t do all of it myself. Drew and Greg helped.”

“By doing what?”

Wayne hesitated, “By…picking the colours.”

“They picked out green and white?”

“Actually, they, uh…” Wayne rubbed the back of his neck, “they picked out red and cream. I changed it to green and white.”

“So, effectively, you did it all yourself.”

Ryan suppressed a giggle in the background.

Wayne mumbled something under his breath, then opened the door nearest to the sofa, “This is one of the bedrooms.”

Brad and Ryan peeked their heads in. The bedroom was a lot bigger than either of them had been expecting. The first thing they saw upon entering the room was a double bed, green and white in a similar pattern to the sofa. Opposite the bed was a large wardrobe and a dresser with a comfy-looking green chair. Across from the door was a huge window that overlooked the outside seating of the bar and a few blocks of the town.

“The other bedroom is pretty much identical, except it’s kind of a mirror image. The bed is on that side and the wardrobe is on this side.”

“You’re being incredibly modest about this,” Ryan said, “If I’d managed to renovate an apartment to this standard, I would not be shy in telling people about it.”

“Wayne’s weird like that.” Brad spoke before Wayne could, “He gets modest about his finest achievements and blabs to everyone about his failures, of which there have not been many.”

Ryan made an impressed noise then wandered back into the living room.

“WAYNE!” a voice shouted from downstairs.

“What is it, Karen?” Wayne shouted back.

“Kathy’s had an accident!”

He dashed to the door, “Shit, what kind of accident?”

“She accidentally cut one of her fingers off.”

He grimaced and jogged down the stairs, “Okay, stay calm. Find the finger and put it on ice, then get Kathy into my car,” he dropped the keys into Karen’s hand, “If I’m not out in two minutes, take her to the hospital yourself, otherwise I’ll take her you’ll be in charge of things here. Got it?”

“Finger, ice. Kathy, car. Two minutes. Got it.” She raced into the kitchen.

Wayne pushed through the crowd that had formed to join Jonathan at the bar, “Jon, I need you in the kitchen.”

“No can do - things are crazy here,” Jonathan replied, attempting to mix two drinks at once.


“Hey, Wayne,” said Ryan, who had suddenly appeared at the bar, “If you’re looking for a chef, Colin’s a fair cook.”

Wayne hesitated, “Colin?”

Ryan rolled his eyes, “Yes, Colin. But I’d go ask him now, if I were you, before he gets fed up of the third degree Sean and Drew are giving him.”

Tapping his fingers on the bar anxiously, Wayne took a couple of uncertain steps before Ryan sighed dramatically, grabbed his arm and dragged him over to Colin’s table.

“Get over it and ask him,” Ryan mumbled into Wayne’s ear, before giving him a small shove towards Colin.

Colin looked up, “What do you want?”

Wayne scratched the back of his hand, finding it hard to keep his focus on the man in front of him, “Um…Ryan tells me you…you cook?”

“Yeah. So?”

“M-my chef just had an accident and we need someone in the kitchen. Saturday nights are always pretty busy.”

Colin glanced over at Sean who raised an eyebrow.

“I’d really appreciate it,” Wayne continued, “and you wouldn’t be unpaid.”

Shaking his head slightly, Colin turned back to Wayne, “Fine.”


Brad struggled down the stairs, the combination of almost 36 hours with no sleep, a broken arm, alcohol and a hangover were making it hard for him to even stand up straight, let alone do anything else. He spotted Ryan and Wayne talking to Colin. Concerned at first, he stopped a couple of steps from the bottom and watched with some agitation, but the conversation was quickly over. No shouting. No name-calling. Nothing.

Wayne walked past him, flashing him a quick smile, followed by Colin. They disappeared into the kitchen. Brad descended the final steps and craned his neck to see where they’d gone, but he was distracted by Ryan who suddenly appeared at his side.

“You look tired,” he said with a small smile, putting his hand gently on Brad’s right arm, “Let’s decide which room is yours so you can get some sleep in it.”

Brad didn’t resist when Ryan put his arm around his shoulders and escorted him back up to the apartment.


fic: sess_satan - evergreen

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