(no subject)

May 14, 2007 00:50

Title: Fuck knows...
Chapter: 4/?
Words: 1707
Warnings: Bit of swearing I guess, nothing major or owt.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything in the slightest.
A/N: Was gonna wait till tomorrow to post this but decided to give you al the chapter now seeing as I've finished it. I had so much fun writing this chapter I had trouble stopping, I hope I got Col and Ry's characters okay, but either way it was fun as hell...

Greg moaned slightly as he woke, blinking at the bright daylight flooding the room and stinging his eyes. What time was it?

He rolled to his left expecting to see a clock, only to be met with a blank cabinet with just a lamp - Of course he was at Drew’s and the clock was at the right hand side of the bed. He cursed his sleep induced dumbness and turned his head the other way to find himself alone in the bed. The clock LED telling him it was 1:43pm.

“Fuck.” Greg mumbled, stumbling out of bed and pulling on his clothes quickly before shuffling out into the living room, seeking out people and following the soft aroma of food at the same time. Drew was at the far side of the room in the ‘kitchen’ area, busy frying what smelt like bacon, eggs tomatoes and other delicious foods that would seek their revenge in a couple of decades in the form of clogged arteries and heart disease…Ah well, didn’t mean they couldn’t be enjoyed now..

“You should have woken me.” Greg said softly, causing Drew to jump slightly and startle him from his thoughts.

“Mhm, I just thought you could do with the sleep …I was gonna wake you with breakfast a couple of hours ago but a delivery came in and then we had to open for lunch and things have just been hectic till about twenty minutes ago, Millie and Brad are coping fine now without me - There’s just the odd business person left trying to prolong lunch, a couple of tourists and Joe.

Greg chuckled as he walked over to the counter near Drew and slid onto a stool. “How is Joe?”

“Grumbling as usual, first he was complaining about us pretending to be a comedy club when really we’re just a pub - Then he went on about how it’s a good thing we didn’t shove comedy at him during the day because who wants to laugh into their pint at lunchtime, then he started on about those people here for that accordion festival thing, complaining how they were clogging up all the streets and-”

“-He’s same as always then.”

“Pretty much…Hey, pass us a couple of glasses and plates will you? They’re-”

“I know. Plates bottom cupboard left, glasses top cupboard left… Better get some cutlery too.” Greg added as he stood up and walked round the counter, getting out thee plates then reaching for the cutlery drawer in one fluid moment.

Drew smiled softly as he pushed their food around with a spatula to prevent it sticking to the pan. “You could really teach Brad a thing or too about where everything is.”

Greg shrugged as he set everything out. “Speaking of Brad is he-”

“Joining us? Nah…Besides, he pigged out on pastries from the bakers on the corner earlier.”

“Don’t suppose he saved us any for dessert?”

Drew grinned and put the spatula on the side before leaning away from the cooker and wrapping an arm round Greg’s waist. “I think we can think up our own dessert don’t you?...”


“Bye Joe! Have a nice day!” Brad called after their resident grumpy old bastard, who of course lived up to his reputation by mumbling how could he possibly have a good day when his arthritis was playing up and accordion players were threatening to take over Cleveland and turn it gay.

“That’s the spirit!” Brad replied happily and extra enthusiastically as the door clicked shut before turning back to Millie, rolling his eyes dramatically.

“Has he ever said a positive thing in his life?”

She shrugged. “Doubt it…Apocalyptic accordion players though - That’s…” She trailed off, waving a hand in the air thinking of a suitable world before she and Brad caught each other’s glances and the pair burst out giggling.

Millie wiped a tear from her eye and turned round, they could probably close up soon - The two out of towners in the corner were the only ones left now and it’s not like they’d have many more customers till about five when everyone started to clock off…The place would get really busy about eight though - Tuesday was open mic night and there were always people willing to come and have a go whether they were good or not - With even more people willing to just come and watch…And drink lots of alcohol of course…

She twisted a lock of light ginger hair around her fingers and grimaced - Of course she would have slept through the alarm this morning so not had time for a shower, but she was so knackered last night after helping Brad with that drunk couple…

“OW! - What the hell!?” Brad yelped, recoiling backwards at the sudden and unexpected slap.

“I naturally remembered.” She smirked, stepping forward for slap number two but Brad quickly dodged behind the bar.

“You stay away from me!”

Millie shrugged lightly. “Fine - I’ll get you when you least expect it.”

“Oh good…”

She was about to say he’d be safe for now as she was gonna go home and sort her hair out, but a sudden raised voice from the far corner distracted her and she looked over at the two men . They looked to be in their early thirty’s maybe - One was tall, thin, and a bit gawky looking, wearing jeans, white t shirt and a sports hoodie. The other was a bit smaller, wearing light brown trousers and a loose blue button down shirt. He was starting to loose his hair bless him….Actually that probably made him look a little older than he was…A bit hard to tell really...

“Just ask her!” The gawky one said loudly in an exasperated voice though his friend didn’t seem to react much, just continued his game of Patience of all things.

“Why should I?” The second man asked quietly, his voice calm but sounding naturally nervous all at once.

“It was your idea!”

“I’m not going to ask her.”

The first one sighed and shook his head. “You are such a coward Col.”

“I just don’t see the-”

“-Ask her!”


“She’s right there!”


“Ask her! Ask her! Ask her!”

Millie looked back at Brad, the pair of them sharing a look of bewildered amusement before she started to walk towards where the two men were sitting.

“You ask her.”


“Uh guys, sorry to interrupt but just in case it has any impact on the question I may or may not be asked - Under no circumstances will I date either of you and just for reference that includes sex, blow jobs and hand jobs…And if that answer didn’t cover it then we don’t give drinks discounts no matter how bladdered you get…And yes this is my natural hair colour.” Millie finished her speech with a smug folding of her arms and a shake back of her head - Freaking people out was fun…

The one called Col froze mid card turning, looking like a deer caught in the headlights for a few seconds before coughing and turning to look at Millie, not quite making eye contact.

“That wasn’t…I…Ryan?” Col turned to his friend who looked desperately trying not to laugh as he watched Millie.

“Good to know and your hair is a lovely colour…Could do with a wash though maybe, but actually his question was if you know any hotels in the area we could stay at?”

Millie blinked and coughed, smugness instantaneously gone. “Oh…Right…” She muttered, very aware of the sudden blush creeping onto her face and Brad laughing in the background.

“And I said to you, there was no point coz that convention will have filled everywhere - But do you ever listen to me Ryan?” Col said quietly, obviously embarrassed too.

“Okay, okay, we still need somewhere to sleep - You know I wasn’t designed well for sleeping scrunched up in a compact with a nervous Canadian.”

“For the last time I’m not nervous, I’m quietly cautious.”

“Whatever you say Colin...”

“Are you guys just passing through?” Brad asked from across the room, a grin still plastered on his face.

“Not exactly - We’re here for a business convention that starts next Wednesday but we drove down from Vancouver early as we both had some holiday saved up.” Ryan explained before gulping down the last of his pint.

“Why not just fly?”

“Oh sure, what a great idea - starting off your holiday with a trip on a flying tube of death!” Ryan retorted causing Colin to snort quietly.

“Like travelling cross states in a car with broken air conditioning and god knows what else with you is any safer!”

“I’m an excellent companion!”

“Uh hu…Who lost the maps?”


“Who had an argument with a toll guard because they wouldn’t give you change for cigarettes?”


“Who forgot to phone ahead to the hotel so we’d have somewhere to stay during this week ‘holiday’ before the convention starts?”

“…Are you actually going somewhere with this?”

Colin sighed heavily in response and made a quiet ‘tsk’ noise before turning attention back to his card game…

Millie walked back over to Brad, hoping her blush - And Brad’s grin would disappear soon…He so needed that second slap badly, but he was still a safe distance from her behind the bar and she couldn’t be bothered chasing him - She’d probably fall over or something else equally embarrassing which would just be a great finale to the day - What with the lewd comments from Barry Wright who worked at the auto shop on the way to work, the poor tips, her boyfriend Gary phoning her mid shift to cancel their date and now her well and truly making a prat of herself in front of Brad and those two guys…Colin and Ryan? But what was she supposed to think with a conversation like that…She had been trying to freak them out though but still…

“Canadians are well weird.” She whispered under her breath, causing Brad to raise an eyebrow and twist the grin into a smirk.

“And you aren’t I suppose? God that was priceless!”

“Shuddup.” Millie muttered before going to collect her bag from the cloakroom…She’d have come up with a better insult…But right now she couldn’t think of one…

fic: zombie_kitty666 - wish i knew

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