The AU fic is finally being brought reluctantly into the world

May 12, 2007 15:21

okay, well I finally got to the point I said I wanted to before I started posting the chapters, might redo it again in the future, but I'm mostly happy for now - chapters 2 and 3 will be up soon probably:

Title: ...I don't know! It's just called 'That AU Fic Thing!' - I need a title!
Chapter: 1/?
Pairing(s): Drew/Greg, other pairings later
Warnings: Bit of swearing, demented Sess & RSL cameo, nothing much else - kinda long chapter though, and it's not beta'd...
Disclaimer: I don't own anything in the slightest
A/N: Well it's AU obviously, set in about 1989 - I could explain all the relationships and such but I think I did a little in a thread a while ago, and it's complicated anyway, so best way to find out everything is just read all the chapters and see it unravel I suppose...hopefully the unravelling happens in a *good* way...

Greg shivered slightly as he got out of the cab and handed over his fare before lifting his small holdall - He always had travelled light, higher on his shoulder and walking across the street and up the familiar set of steps.

He pushed open the door to the comedy club and wasn’t surprised to find the place just about empty - It was nearly closing time on a Monday night after all. Greg glanced around and counted five people;

A man and woman very obviously drunk in the corner looking not far off sucking each other’s tonsils out, Millie Johnson the waitress clearing up glasses, looking tired and pretty much on autopilot, part owner Brad Sherwood sprawled over the bar, pinging a spoon lightly against several glasses and making up some tune or other, and at the far side, the other owner Drew Carey was packing up the mic and speaker equipment.

Greg put down his bag and crept forward. He tapped Millie on the shoulder, but shushed her quietly when she turned and opened her mouth to speak, nodding towards Drew who still had his back to them.

Millie grinned and nodded before taking the glasses over to the collection forming around Brad.

“If you don’t stop that demented noise Brad I will shove that spoon up your nose - And not the little end either.” Millie warned as she slammed the glasses down onto the table loudly.

“Oooh, kinky.” Brad smirked as he dropped the spoon into one of the glasses and looked up as Drew chuckled lightly at them from the other end of the room. He saw in surprise Greg Proops crossing the room, but before he could speak up, got jabbed in the ribs by Millie.

“Geez woman, how bony are your elbows?” He winced before shutting up to watch the two men across the room.

Drew rolled his eyes at his co workers as he continued placing the mics away in their case and winding up the wires neatly, he would have asked Brad to give him a hand earlier but he’d being a bit upset about something or other…Though if he hadn’t caught Brad cracking his knuckles on his break - A nervous habit he’d picked up from God knows where he wouldn’t have picked up on that fact at all…Meh, was probably was just something trivial …Plus he was hopeless at tidying…Not that Drew minded really, he worked quicker on his own, and if he really cared about Brad’s clinical messiness he probably wouldn’t share a flat and business with him to-

“Guess who Drew.” Drew looked up sharply at the sound of Greg’s voice, dropping the extension cord he’d been holding in shock.

“Greg! Your first gig isn’t slated till Thursday night - What are you doing here man?” Drew asked as he turned and caught the other man into a tight hug.

“I know, just thought I’d come over straight from Montana and surprise you since Wednesday’s gig in Chicago got cancelled.” The other man said with a grin as Drew put his arm round his shoulders and the two walked back to Millie and Brad.

“Sure it wasn’t just an excuse to get out of Montana?” Drew chuckled and Greg shrugged lightly.

“That too.”

“Hey. You’re on your own right?…If you know what I mean.” Brad said, causing Millie and Drew to snigger slightly as Greg raised an eyebrow.

“Mike’s not tagging along if that’s what you’re asking.”

“Just checking.” Brad said, trying to appear indifferent rather than relieved before reaching to pick up the spoon again to continue his ‘masterpiece’.

“You move your hand one inch closer to that spoon and it’s the last thing your hand will ever do Bradley Sherwood.” Brad gulped dramatically at Millie and pulled his hand away, then leaned away from the bar, against the wall, folding his arms nochantly.

“I know you weren’t expecting me till Thursday, so don’t worry about me staying - I’ll just go ask at that hotel down the -”

“Don’t be so daft Greg! It’s never been an issue before has it? We’ve got loads of room... Well we would have if Brad didn’t buy so much crap and spread it across not just his room - But my room, the living room and the spare rooms - It’s a miracle he’s not infected the kitchen too...But then why would he Crap-ize a room he’d burn to the ground if he ever set foot inside it?” Drew said accusingly, a smile playing on his lips as he glanced over at Brad who grinned back for a moment before swapping to a hurt expression.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Brad asked in a mock hurt tone to match his expression, causing Drew rolled his eyes.

“It means my simple friend, that you can’t cook and you have no taste -”

“I have taste!” Brad retorted huffily, and Drew snorted loudly in response.

“Taste!? You have enough gourdy shirts to be visible from space!”

“Sssshut up fatzo!”

“Oh god, High School flashback.” Drew moaned as everyone turned to see where the insult came from…

Shockingly enough the voice belonged to a small girl in her early twenties with medium length brown hair - The same girl who, up to ten seconds ago had being molesting her boyfriend drunkenly in the corner.

“Hisss shirt isss pretty!” The girl slurred as she stepped forward, using her boyfriend as support so she didn’t fall over…Unfortunately he was roughly as plastered as her so it wasn’t long until they crashed into a table.

“Yeah, pretty awful.” Drew shot back in an amused voice as the girl abandoned her boyfriend on the floor and stumbled over to the bar.

“Sssayss you!” She scoffed, before tripping over her own feet and being clumsily caught by Greg and Brad. - Brad because he stepped forward to catch her…And Greg because he just happened to be in her crash path.

“She’s so drunk!” Greg giggled as he and Brad tried to help her stand, but as she seemed more than happy to just cling to Brad, Greg soon gave up and left Brad to deal with her on his own.

“You have pretty eyesss…ss.” She murmured to Brad, who looked half pleased and half like a deer caught in headlights.

“You know Brad I was wrong - She’s the one with no taste.” Drew said with a smirk before yelping as the girl’s boyfriend draped his arm round Drew’s shoulder for support.

“They have better taste than you.” He said, surprisingly well…Before slipping off Drew and landing on to Greg.

“Will people stop fucking falling on me!?” He panted as, with a little help from Drew, he pushed the guy off him, who then fell onto the floor with a thump.

“The intoxicated ones do have a point you know Drew.” Millie said with a smirk, enjoying the entertainment.

“How’d you work that one out then?”

“Brad may be an annoying prat - But he has style, you just like old jeans and sport shirts - You make no effort.”

“YEAH!” The girl shouted enthusiastically, still in Brad’s arms with hers wrapped round his neck - Brad having long given up trying to remove her.

“So I wear comfortable clothes and ain’t a prissy boy.” Drew shrugged leaning against the bar next to Greg. “I make an effort when the occasion suits.”

“Not prissy…Pretty!” The girl giggled before clumsily standing on tiptoe and kissing him, causing everyone - Especially Brad - To freeze and wait for the boyfriend’s reaction, not that the girl seemed bothered though, as she happily continued molesting Brad.

“Put him down Alex.” The guy said perfectly calmly and without much emotion at all as he struggled to his feet.

“And just why should I Robert?” She giggled back before sliding down Brad’s chest until he tentatively wrapped his arms round her to stop her falling any further…And taking his trousers with her.

“Coz then I can have a go!” Robert smirked, causing everyone except Brad to burst out laughing.

“Looks like you’re in there mate!” Greg said in between giggles, blushing slightly as he then none too daintily snorted.

“What do you think Brad?”

Brad just shook his head in slight bewilderment, but obviously trying to hide a sly grin too.

“Hey, which hotel are you guys staying at?” Millie asked as Robert leant on Greg much to his annoyance.

“Hehe…You’re cute too!” Robert giggled before groping Greg’s bum and making him squeak loudly.

“Hey, can we take them both home? We just moved in down…Down…The long place with the cars…”

“The road?” Millie prompted Alex with a dramatic roll of her eyes.

“…What sshe ssaid.” Alex confirmed, squealing slightly as Brad suddenly swung her up into his arms.

“Awww fuck.” Drew mumbled quietly, catching a raised eyebrow look from Greg before they turned to see what Brad was up to.

“Better take drunken beauty and the Greg groper home then so we can lock up.” He explained as Alex sighed happily and wrapped her arms round Brad’s neck.

“Millie can you take him?” Drew asked with a nod at Robert, who was still clinging in an awkward position to Greg.

“Fine…You guys really don’t pay me enough…And if one of them throws up on me expect the bill.” She warned before helping Greg to detach Robert.

“Yeah, yeah I know - Oh and Brad, come straight back.”

“Yes dad.” Brad sighed dramatically, rolling his eyes as he with only a slight amount of difficulty pulled open the door and held it open for Millie and Robert before disappearing through it with Alex, narrowly avoiding whacking her legs into the doorframe as she swung her legs about happily…

fic: zombie_kitty666 - wish i knew

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