Happy Birthday Rainier

May 21, 2006 22:47

Friday It was Rainier's birthday Thursday. Bobby decided to have a surprise party for Rainier. We all met up at Bobby's apartment. The plot is to have Bobby pick him up from work, take him to Raiier's apartment to shower and get ready for Rage. Then Bobby will take Rainier back to his apartment so he can get ready and that is where we will surprise him. The theme of the party is In-N-Out. There was a real In-N-Out hats and sign, fast food, and colors of In-N-Out. You ever watch surprise parties on TV and how there is always that one person that ruins it. Well I was the one who ruined it -_- Rainier isn't good with cars but he knows my car because my name is on my license plate. The party was fun. We threw him in the pool.

Saturday I woke up and met up with everyone to have lunch. We ate at this Taiwanese restaurant. I am not really familar with Taiwanese food so luckly I picked out something good to eat. Peter unfortunately ordered smoked chicken and we called it Marlboro chicken because it smelled like cigarette smoke. We went to Laguna Beach after. We had to walk from one side of the beach to the other so meet up with the other half of the group. I decided to take the scenic route and there was a cliff blocking our way. So I made Tri, Joyce, and Charlie rock climbing. It was so dangerous lol... I was wearing sandals and because of that, my footing wasn't too stable I almost slid down to the ocean haha. Joyce on the other hand was giving a peep show to everyone because she wore short shorts. We decided to take the safe route. We met up with everyone. I was just sitting there watching the topless basketball players.

We went to the shooting range after. It was most of our first time. I was more worried that I will shoot myself than excited. Here is how I did:

We went to the Spectrum after for dinner. We had drinks and food at Dave & Buster's. We were going to watch The Da Vinci Code but it was sold out until late. So we watched See No Evil. It reminded me of Chainsaw Massacre. It was above average. I liked it.

Sunday I was supposed to go to Long Beach Pride but I just wanted to stay home and rest. So I basically did nothing haha.
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