7 things

Jul 10, 2008 00:48

i got this from aly's blog and i saw that she wanted me to do this so yar, here goes...
7 things that scare you:
1) the sudden exclaimation from people, "HEY YOU!"
2) a breakup/heartbreak
3) a nightmare whereby i start falling from a building and never seem to stop
4) clowns
5) dolls with those big eyes with eyelids that flutter
6) death
7) embarrassment in the public

7 things you like the most:
1) apple strudle
2) strawberry flavoured essential oil from bodyshop
3) toddlers (sometimes i feel like pinching them real hard)
4) boyfriend
5) retail therepy
6) turning brown

7 important things in my room:
1) laptop
2) my roller chair
3) my bed
4) my night light ( yar laugh, i cannot sleep in the dark)
5) handphone
6) aircon
7) radio

7 random facts about me:
1) i like the smell of leather
2) i have the tendency of being lame
3) i pinch my fats whenever im stress
4) i love to touch people's moles
5) i love crispy fries and i will give my soggy ones to sheryl
6) i have spasms when im sleeping
7) i sleep in the bus with my mouth wide open

7 things i plan to do before i die:
1) travel the world
2) be an idol to someone
3) skydive
4) see 6 zer0s in my bank account
5) tell everyone i know that i love them
6) travel to the moon
7) dig for dinosaur bones

7 things i can do:
1) laugh non-stop for 5 minutes
2) grow fatter
3) read a really thick book within a day
4) be someone else's alarm clock
5) live on curry maggie mee for a week
6) then go for haircare treatment when my hair falls off the following week
7) what else I can do, really?

7 things i can't do:
1) do a split
2) stand on my toes
3) fart loudly in public
4) sweat on my palms
5) drive
6) using the F word
7) live without god

7 things you can be attracted to in the opposite sex:
1) sense of humour
2) arms
3) smile
4) personality but not be cocky
5) dress sense
6) smell
7) lips

7 things i say often:
1) what the fuck
2) omg really?
3) shit you lah
4) fuck lah
5) you moron
6) huhhhh
7) why???
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