the sad truth about life

Jul 02, 2008 01:20

i'm gonna start with this phrase and i believe most of you out there believe in this as well
"life's unpredictable and so very vulnerable"
although i wasn't directly affected by the many losses that have came about during the past few weeks, i feel for the individuals facing these unforseen circumstances.
its hard to say this, but life's unfair and cruel to many and sometimes even you might feel you don't deserve such things. but its how god planned it and theres nothing that can change that. the many young people i know or came across have not even been in their establishment stage of their lives, i wonder how their loved ones will feel. i may be a secondary party but i feel for them. i know its hard to accept this cruel fact.

death to me is a pretty frightening phase everyone needs to go through. i do think about it sometimes, how is it like to die? will people will remember me. mourning is just for that instance, but ten years down the road, we are nothing but just a vague memory buried in the deep thoughts of people's head.

also, there might also be a point whereby you feel you can't accept the fact that it has happened and you find yourself being selfish thinking that why this cant happen to someone else, and as a result of that, you're in the midst of total denial. but gradually, its just a matter or accepting what has happened and move on with life. it may feel pointless but you just have to be strong and go on.

to all who have lost their loved ones in this cruel reality of life, be strong and god bless those who have passed on, im sure you are in a much better place right now...
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