OK, I've been dicking around long enough - Vegas Pics as Promised!
Lots of pictures under the cut, so be warned...
We started at the airport (Duh). We got there uber early, so we had nothing to do except fuck around at the news stand. There I am checking out a picture of my secret boyfriend, Al Gore. My friend and travel companion #1, Erin, is in the background looking at Cosmo so she can discover her orgasm or some shit.
Now, some random day shots....
I forget where this fountain was, exactly, but this was the choice spot for tourists to stop to take pictures - ourselves included.
Anybody want a boyfriend? These dudes sure do. In the Land of Cheeze that is Vegas, Ceasar's Palace has the honor of being the cheeziest.
Now, for some shots from the Hoover Dam...
This thing is absolutely amazing to see.
Then, we went on a boat ride around the dam...
Erin, Me, and Mir. Doesn't our hair look great?
For some reason, we were all amazed by the size of the gigantic fish in the water when we got off of the boat! One woman was so amazed, that she threw her cigarette butt in the water. That woman was an asshole.
Vegas at Night...
This is where we stayed.
We drank a lot. We drank drinks like this. This drink was filled with Vodka and Red Bull. I drank this drink in 7 1/2 minutes.
This photo was taken immediately after. I think we all look pretty damn good considering it was 4 AM, we were drunk off our asses, and were just about to head back out to the Strip. I may have gotten a total amount of 5 hours of sleep the entire four days we were down there. There just isn't any time or inclination to sleep in Vegas.
Now, to compare-
The Morning After.
See that tight little phony smile on my face? That is how you look when you are trying your best to ignore the feeling of your liver trying to worm its abused self right out of your body.
Vegas - The Aftermath.
The End.
I cannot WAIT to go back. ^_^