Title: Mr.Perfect
sherryarioka Rating: PG
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Type: Chaptered
Pairing: Chinen Yuri/
Nishiuchi Mariya and a little of Nakajima Yuto /
Suzuka Ohgo Summary: Mr.Perfect Chinen doesn't make any mistakes for anything. He's well planned and well organized. His life is planned, he has to follow it. His career of being a dentist, his life of marrying a woman his parents planned, his life of never doing dangerous things. Go to school, go home. Nothing else. He meets Mariya, she peruses him to do other studd, have hobbies and interests. His mother hates her, but...Should he hate her like he's suppose to?
poster made by
nishoken ~
The next few days were horrible, or maybe for Chinen it is. Ever since the little confession to Mariya, she’s been cold to her ever since. His grade dropped fast as the only thing he thought about was Mariya. When he talked to his mom about his future, he didn’t care if his mom slapped him or yelled at him. He bit his lip and kept pleading.
Atlas, his mom threw him out the house.
“No son of mine should ever disobey me!” And then she slammed the door in Chinen’s face.
-At school-
“Ne, Mariya…Don’t you think…Chinen has changed? Look at him!” Suzuka and Mariya both sneaked a peak at Chinen. He was wearing our normal school uniform, but more battered, and his hair wasn’t combed and perfectly held down. He looks like a rotten pineapple. But worse.
“You should go talk to him after all the things that happened to him. He must suffer a lot.” Yuto came up to them.
“Wait, what? Whose side are you on? I thought you didn’t want me to get close to him?” Mariya stared at him.
“That was when you were the poor and lonely one, look at him now! He’s so lonely and…poor. Go cheer him up!” Yuto grinned.
“You butterhead, I’ll kill you one day.” Mariya walked away.
“He’s right, Mariya. Go talk to him!” Suzuka smiled.
“Fine…” Mariya pouted but walked to Chinen’s desk.
“Hey, about that vacation in winter breaks, I can go.” Chinen said.
“Er…that’s great!” Mariya smiled, patting Chinen’s head.
“I love you.” Chinen looked up from his desk.
“Er…That’s great!” Mariya smiled but ran away quickly.
“What’s with you?” Yuto asked.
“He’s so scary! I like the old Mr. Perfect Chinen better than this Mr. Straight-forward-I-love-you Chinen!!” Mariya scratched her head.
“Calm down, you’re just being guilty you changed him.” Yuto said.
“That’s not helping, and how would I be guilty of changing him? How did I change him?” Mariya asked.
“That’s a question you need to find out for youself.” Yuto asked.
“What? You want me to go talk to him again?” Mariya raised an eyebrow.
“YES!” Yuto screamed.
“Fine…After school, though! After school…” Mariya smirked.
“Did you just think of something?” Yuto asked.
“Maybe...” Mariya sing song.
“Oh boy…Crazy Mariya on the roll.” Yuto rolled his eyes.
Sorry for the short chap, I'm rushing on the next chapter now. Yes, I said rushing! :)
Daikiman, wait for me!!! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
Anyways, I'm working on chapter 6 right now, and then chapter 7 will also be done soon...I think this story can be finished tomorrow!