Title: Mr.Perfect
sherryarioka Rating: PG
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Type: Chaptered
Pairing: Chinen Yuri/
Nishiuchi Mariya and a little of Nakajima Yuto/
Suzuka OhgoSummary: Mr. Perfect Chinen doesn't make any mistakes for anything. He's well planned and well organized. His life is planned, he has to follow it. His career of being a dentist, his life of marrying a woman his parents planned, his life of never doing dangerous things. Go to school, go home. Nothing else. He meets Mariya, she peruses him to do other stuff, have hobbies and interests. His mother hates her, but...Should he hate her like he's suppose to?
Poster Made By
nishoken “What is she doing at this school?” Yuto came out from behind a desk.
“I don’t know…We have to tell Mariya!” Ohgo pushed Yuto making him fall on his butt.
“I think she knows already…” Yuto pointed at the fuming Mariya who just ran by.
“Is she angry or sad?” Ohgo asked.
“BOTH!” Yuto grinned.
“I know that.” Ohgo rolled her eyes.
“Then why did you ask?” Yuto rolled his eyes.
“Because…Ugh! Don’t mess with me.” Ohgo ran after Mariya.
“WAIT FOR ME!” Yuto shouted.
“Mariya! What’s wrong?” Ohgo put a hand on Mariya’s shoulder.
“I kissed him.” Mariya sobbed lightly.
“You what?” Yuto was shocked.
“You heard her.” Ohgo yapped at Yuto.
“I’m just being a protective friend.” Yuto pouted.
“I mean…he changes so fast! He was nice yesterday…and it’s a total different him today.” Mariya explained.
“I know, it’s hard to like someone when they change real fast. They’re all good and cheerful to you for a while, and the next second is like they never knew you. For an example, Ohgo here is just like that.” Yuto patted Mariya before pointing at Ohgo.
“Hey! That’s not going to help okay? Let’s get you cleaned up.” Ohgo shouted before leading Mariya into the washroom.
“What about me? Gah…Girls…” Yuto rolled his eyes.
-In the washroom-
“Why where you crying? I thought you liked him, you should be happy you actually get to kiss him. After all, he has a fiancée already.” Ohgo spoke gently.
“I don’t know…A moment ago, I was angry at his behavior towards people. The next second I’m crying…I don’t understand my feelings at all!” Mariya sniffed.
“You’re in love ne…You must be angry about his behavior, no doubt. But you were also jealous that he has a fiancée. You’re probably crying because you feel sympathy for yourself. Why am I so poor? Why can’t I love him properly? Why do I have this kind of parents? Why can’t I be like his fiancée?” Ohgo patted Mariya.
“You know…about my parents?” Mariya asked.
“The whole class knows.” Ohgo’s voice was soft, making sure she didn’t offend Mariya.
“The whole class knew?”
“Yes, but…we kept quiet; we didn’t want to make a big deal about it. Since, you might feel worse if you knew that we knew about your problems. You’ll think it’s embarrassing and then you’ll distant yourself from everyone just because of that.” Ohgo replied.
“You sure know everything.” Mariya smiled a bit.
“I’m the gossipiest person ever, but hey! I’m very wise. Maybe I can be a therapist when I grow up! Or a psychiatrist is cool, too!” Ohgo grinned.
“I wish I could be like you and Yuto…although you guys don’t seem like a couple…and act like best friends, you both have faith in your relationship, you trust each other a lot.” Mariya smiled weakly.
“It’ll work out for you. Don’t worry.” Ohgo smiled, wiping a tear drop from Mariya’s face.
“Girls don’t look pretty when they cry.” Yuto whispered.
“How did you get in here?” Ohgo screamed.
“There wasn’t anyone around! Its fine~~” Yuto smiled cheekly.
“It’s the girl’s toilets! YOU PERVERT.” Ohgo smacked him.
“Um…Mariya-san? Can I talk to you for a minute?” A soft sound came from the door.
“Ah!!!” Yuto screamed.
“Okay…” Mariya walked out.
“Sort out your feelings okay?” Ohgo smiled understandingly.
“Yeah! Break a leg and kick her ass!” Yuto smiled.
“I’ll break your leg and kick your ass if you don’t be quiet. Gosh, where did the handsome-quiet-cute-smart Yuto go?” Ohgo raised an eyebrow.
“You liked the old me?” Yuto asked.
“Yes. Sometimes, I wish you could turn back to the old you.” Ohgo faced Yuto.
“As you wish.” Yuto smiled.
“Huh?” Ohgo replied.
A/N: It took me so long to update...-3- I'm working on chapter four already!! ^^ Hopefully this story will finish by next Tuesday?