Pulling a "Palin" ~ Crimson Flow!

Nov 03, 2008 21:48

Determination grew inspiration!

Oh man, I’m so tense about the next 24 hours. I’ve stopped looking at the polls - as I’ve been doing frequently (non-stop) for the last month. Constantly checking - fretting over 10th’s of a point - etc. Whatever’s going to happen - is going to happen. I’m sick of worrying about the ‘undecided’ voter. (Who, in my opinion, shouldn’t be allowed to vote: You’re too indecisive and should be put out of your misery) Honestly? I have harsher words for those people that just can’t seem to make up their minds - but I have to ask myself: What would Obama say? So I will take the high road and talk shit about them privately.

Uhhh…..duuuhh, Mavericks!…..reform…creative jobs….RUSSIA!!…duuuuh

I pulled, what I like to call, a “Palin” today while taking my science/weather class mid-term. First half was multiple choice (Thank Jesus for that!) The second half actually required some knowledge that I didn’t have. I wasn’t clear on the earth’s axis and tilts - and how to configure the dew point and the relative humidity, to name a few. On the questions I didn’t know - I started just rambling - using terms I remembered from the text and lecture.

· Explain why there are seasons on earth.

Uhhh, well, the earth rotates ……and then there is the sun…. which is hot,….so the inverse, advent fog…goes…. the axis at the poles….dew point.

Ya, it was that bad. I answered most of the second half of the mid-term with this sort of nonsense babble. I know that I nailed the last question - as we were asked to draw a picture of a cloud - I was really proud of myself - it was a toughie - but I nailed it. Then we had to name the type of cloud we drew. Oh. Uuhh….nimbus - stratus - cumulous sphere!. No clue. I thought it was a nice ‘fluffy’ cloud. Not sure I get full credit for that one.

I wasn’t stressed about bombing on it. In fact, I was laughing - as I was writing my uneducated - joke-like answers, I was honestly laughing out loud.

I got through the exam quickly - it helps when you don’t know what you’re doing. I took my paper up to Andrew, the professor, and said “I hope you don’t find my answers to be a segment from Comedy Central!”

“Sherry, you have more time…”

“Look, Andrew - if I don’t know the answers right now, what will sitting here for another 45 minutes do? I won’t know the answers then either. I know what I know……enjoy!” and I split.

Again, I’m so not stressed about it.

Oh GOD - my annoying neighbor - who I call, ‘cute-red-haired girl, until she turns around - pimple face, snotty bitch’ is having sex, AGAIN. We can all hear her nightly - carrying on like she’s being gutted with a fishing knife - or trying to make it as a really bad porn actress. The high-pitched squealing and hyperventilating like breathing, gasping for air, panting and moaning is unreal - and not very convincing. She’s 100% faking it. No way it’s for real. I’d bet my life on it - and yours. Her boyfriend must be a real moron - as he’s there ALL the time - he comes to the door with flowers every-other day….wooing her, courting her, goo-goo eyed over her, etc. He buys it!! Ha ha ha - poor sap. It’s very telling of his lack of experience.

I always want to yell out the window - “GUESS WHAT? SHE’S FAKING IT!! WE ALL KNOW IT - WHEN WILL YOU?” Doesn’t this dumbass have a home? Can’t the go there?

I was out smoking the other day - she speeds by me (not a friendly woman either, no eye contact, no simple nod of the head, nada)….So I said “Excuse me - EXCUSE ME - Hi girlfriend - Oh, love your coat btw - just a heads up - I’m not sure if you’re aware of this or not - but you are really, really loud during sex - not that it’s bothering me - but I wasn’t sure if you knew - that everyone in the building can hear it. You might want to close your window….or whatever…..but kudos for you for getting some!!”

“Oh, am I loud?…I’ll be more quiet….” Without missing a step - she kept walking.

So what does ‘cute-red-haired girl, until she turns around - pimple face, snotty bitch’ do that night? The wailing - howling cries of “I doing this to impress him” were amplified by 100%. Guess she told me - huh?

Whatever. Keep faking it, Sister - we’re all laughing.

The month long PMSing ended today - YAY!! I’m bleeding!!! Cramping and headaches - but no more emotional - woe is me shit!!

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