ACTA....Bad News

Jan 26, 2012 18:12

Originally posted by berryann and messily copied here...sorry Berryann, I'm not so good at this!! But the important thing is to spread the word folks. This is a very serious development in the story of the life of Internet and ouir freedom to use it!

As Berryann says....SIGN THE PETITION.....please please!!

Say NO to ACTA! Save the Internet!

26th Jan, 2012 at 1:53 PM


So, it’s done....

They all signed ACTA in Japan. USA, Australia, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland, 25 EU countries including Poland.... Germany and Holland didn’t sign it yet due to some procedural difficulties but will sign it in a few days to come.

They all did it behind our backs. Bunch of liars! But post-communist countries like Poland? Those of you who never lived in a communist country could hardly understand what censorship really means.... sure you can look the definition up in some dictionary but you’d never be able to understand how far it can go. Here we had the real censorship. There were times when you couldn’t literally fart without the “Secret Service” knowing about it... Hundreds of books were written, hundreds of films were made only to end up in some cramped room on some shelf.... You couldn’t say out loud what you wanted at all. Well, sure you could - if your dream holiday destination was some work camp in Siberia.... There was only one truth, one right ideology - that of our Wonderful Big Brother - the hated and feared by thousands - Soviet Union.

And now, the very same people who fought for our freedom, who devoted all their lives to turning this place into a free, also censorship free, country are signing such an act as ACTA? And doing it in secrecy?

I can’t remember being more disappointed. And deceived.

But signing the ACTA agreement is still far from implementing its ridiculous rules. There’s still time to act. So please devote 5 seconds of your time and sign the petition. Voice your opinion. It’s enough if you give your first name and your email address. Remember that ACTA is far more dangerous and limiting than SOPA and PIPA altogether.

Please, spread the word whenever you can. To FB, Twitter, LJ, email your friends and family. It’s our common global cause. Yes, one may argue that “only” 39 countries are involved but ACTA will put an end to the Internet we know all over the world.

Please, sign the petition:

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