Just a little whine, feel free to ignore.

Mar 05, 2010 08:48

I've been trying to find a moment to write something, between headaches.  (both sinus and migraine, and sometimes migraine triggered by sinus, and sometimes I just wake up with both!)

I have some good things going on, Larry and I are finally getting serious and started on me being the N. AL branch office of L. I. Smith & Assoc.  I actually went to my first pre-bid meeting, and  got a very large company to ask us for bids (as subs) on two jobs here in Madison county that they are bidding on.  Pretty cool for my first time out.

Now if I just had more than two or three days a week where I felt human, I could probably go out and make some money!

I've been back to the doctor, who is sending me and my MRI to a neurologist, and also to an allergist to see if something might be done on that front to help my constant sinusitis. She also drew a couple of pints of blood to check everything you can check, from folate, to hormones, to thyroid, to Epstein-Barre, to calcium.  I also got new glasses yesterday.  I've been going to my chiropractor, who makes me feel better in my neck and back, but isn't actually helping the headaches.  I'm trying every thing on every front I can.

I also am making the permanent change to a nurse-practitioner in the office with a doctor I used to use years ago.  I had changed to another doctor who was more open to alternative medicine about 7 years ago, but she's cut back to being a part time doctor and moved to a clinic in another town, about 45 minutes away.  She's hard to get in to see, and the office is a nightmare to deal with.  So I'm back to my original doctor's office where I started out when I first moved to AL.  {Mark and the boys have stayed with her all this time.  Mark is not open to alternative medicine either, And none of the guys is hardly ever sick anyway.  The last time Thomas was at a doctor was for a physical, two years ago when we were jumping through all those hoops for DHR to become foster parents.  Before that, probably the physical for Boy Scout Camp.}  Anyway, the point is that she's changed me from the Armour Thyroid, which Armour is no longer making, and I was having to have compounded, and have been without for nearly three weeks, to Synthroid.  Which may at least help with how tired and cold I've been the last few weeks.

I'm getting demoralized about the whole thing, as you might imagine.

My life has turned into one of those "you had to be there" jokes.

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whine, glasses, l.i.smith, thyroid, headache, migraine, chiropractor, sinus

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