
Feb 01, 2009 11:21

Did I mention how nice Saturday was for most of the day?

I was supposed to take Shelby and Thomas out to the horse barn at 9am. Which I was looking forward to, mostly. We don't ride, we just volunteer helping with feeding and bringing in and out horses and grooming and occasionally mucking stalls. But it is fun to be around these great, calm, friendly animals and be outside and the people at the barn are wonderful too.

It started out as just an experience for Shelby, a step toward his goal to be a horse trainer when he grows up. And it's a good thing we started small like this, turns out that in real life he's afraid of horses! He thought they were all "cute" like cuddly little stuffed horses.  surprise.

Anyway, I found out that Mark didn't have to leave to go to his cave until noon.

So, since Thomas can drive, I told the two of them that they were going by themselves.  And they went, and they both had a blast.  Thomas wasn't really just dying to go, and really didn't want to go if I wasn't going.  But you know, I just told them to go. They went, and they loved it.  Thomas loved it and is willing to go back.

So Mark and I spent the morning doing nothing together.  It was great.  (we saved the adult stuff for later)

Shelby and I drove out to a friend's house, where they distribute the food bank stuff foster parents can get once a month.  It's a long drive, about an hour & a half, round trip.  Shelby talked the whole time, and I just kept smiling, and thinking about how when Thomas was little it was the very same.  In fact, if it's just Thomas and I he will still talk pretty continuously, but not quite.

Then my darling got home, later than he expected, and covered in dried mud which need to be washed off...

horse, mark, talking, shelby, thomas

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