Finally! a REAL holiday!

Dec 28, 2008 11:30

Now don't get me wrong, I love a good celebration as much as the next fellow.  But we've been visiting and/or celebrating something almost continuously since Nov.  23.

Pre-Thanksgiving friends get-togethers,
Thanksgiving itself (a three 3-4 day affair in our world
two performances by Thomas's Strings group (and associated rehearsals)
finals to study for and stress over
Aspergers group (AYANA -Aspergers Young Adults of North Alabama) Christmas party to help plan, organize, decorate, and ye gads! COOK for
5 actual "Christmases"/gift exchanges with various different parts/groups of the family
the first day of Hanukkah with my sister and her husband
Going to Christmas Mass, with all the twice a year Christians (At least it wasn't the midnight Mass which is two masses run simultaneously one in the sanctuary, one in fellowship hall, both of them SRO, with the standing going on all the way out into the hall)
FIVE birthdays in December (if you only count Family)
and did I mention the driving to three states part?

And of course, we had to continue with the not directly celebration stuff, like decorating for Christmas, and shopping, and hiding presents (I always hide one well enough that I lose it.  This year it was my beloved's socks and underwear in the cabinet for the fishtank), and wrapping (well, actually I don't do most of the wrapping, The boys wrap as many presents as I can make them while I'm doing something else.  Not their own obviously, but each others and to Daddy and such.  This year I heard Shelby ask Thomas, "Why do we have to do this?"  To which Thomas quickly replied, "Because Mom sucks at it."  Lot of nerve, coming from someone who has used duct tape in the past! lol), bowling, and other socializing, and dashing out to stand in line at the post office for 45 minutes to buy stamps for and writing, addressing, and mailing cards, and going online to order what you found out your beloved really wanted on Monday - 2 days before Christmas - by expedited shipping which doubles the cost of the item, and and and . . . .

Suzette Hayden-Elgin says there really ought to be a word for those holidays that aren't really holidays, especially for the women who spend the whole time cooking and cleaning and refereeing.

Anyway, yesterday and today I've a REAL holiday.  The kind where you get to sleep to noon, read and drink tea all day, eat junky snacky food, and just pretend there's no other world, and in the evening have wine and your darling . . .

stress, celebrations, hanukkah, relax, holiday, christmas, family

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