Where are we going, and why am I in this handbasket? (again)

Aug 20, 2008 21:20

Where did my summer go?  Lots of travel, visiting with family and friends, and what? All I know is that I am horribly behind on the home front.  All kinds of interesting things happened to me this summer, and I composed several witty, riveting entries, in my head.  All gone now, of course.

But I'm back from the Ostrander Family Reunion, in Milwaukee.  Good event, and well attended.  A little confusing on the travel arrangements.  It was so late in the summer this year that I had to buy airplane tickets for the boys to leave on Sunday (8/17) because Thomas had to be in class at 10am on Monday.  Mat had an extra day.  Mark and I drove home without them.  It's a two day drive, so we didn't get home until late Monday night.  Oh, and did I mention, that on the way up to WI. we drove two cars as far as Nashville, and dropped one off at my brother's so that the boys would be able to get the rest of the way home.  Nothing flies into Huntsville, so we fly into N'ville or B'ham.

And we're back from Mer's wedding in the DC area.  Two days of driving (overnight in Roanoke), two days in the DC area, wedding and friends, then we drove home like crazy people in one day. Something like14 hours of driving.  I was practically dead.  But we had to get back, because I'd promised to help with Franklin School's class registrations on the next day.

And I'm back from many trips up to Paris and back with Thomas while he worked.

And I'm back from a few random trips to Birmingham thrown in between all that to see or help Mat.

I'm back from a trip to Vance, AL (3.5hrs south) to tour the Mercedes-Benz SUV factory.  Interesting.  It was a "field trip" by Thomas's AS YA group and the mom's auxiliary.

It was all good, but there was a lot of time in the car this summer.

So I'm home for a while

dc, milwaukee, reunion, summer, ostrander, paris, travel, mer's wedding, mercedes

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