No time to Read...

Apr 30, 2008 21:55

I remember back in January I was going to keep track of all the books I read this year. Somehow I've not been doing that. Not that I've read anything worth listing. Murder mysteries, etc. Probably some of the best stuff I've read this year has been fan fiction.

I've got to cut back somewhere. It's all good stuff, and I love doing it, but I'm strung out a bit thin. But what to trim? I'm to the point of having to consider cutting one of the fun or rewarding things. I've already tried giving up all the ucky stuff I'd give up at the least excuse. I tried giving up cooking and laundry, but it didn't create enough free space, and Mark thought I no longer loved him. So I'm doing the laundry again. Cooking I'm still stalling about. And I do almost no cleaning. I hired a young girl to come in once a week. It helps, but not enough.

So what's going to go? The work for the Autism Society is definitely the most time consuming, and not the most predictable. I get caught on the phone, or yesterday someone stopped in to pick up something and stayed for an hour asking me questions and for advice. But I love it. And I'm making a difference in people's lives. Schooling Thomas takes almost no time now. Being online and reading fanfic is simply NOT on the table. Working at the Homeschool is also very rewarding, and keeps me around young people. And a great many of my friends are there. I don't know.

books, homeschool, overwhelmed, mark, asa, thomas

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