Last Saturday we had the 1st Annual ASA Easter Egg Hunt and Picnic for children on the Autism Spectrum and it was so gratifying! We had a final count of around 20 kids. Some of whom had never been able to hunt before (one was 14!). Most were pretty young, tho, under eight. They were all candy-sweet, and their parents were unbelievably grateful and happy for their little ones to have this opportunity. The Easter bunny was there (some nice pictures), and Rhiannon did face-painting, and Thomas and his friend Matt (not my son) had an egg-dyeing area, and there were two giant blowup things, and coloring, and foosball, and some other games before the hunt. Afterward we ate a potluck picnic (inside at tables), and gave out prizes and treat bags. And there was a TON of food left over. Everyone was just heart-warmingly generous and wanting to help with everything. It was truly a blessed afternoon. I felt wonderful to be a part of it. Everyone needs to have this kind of renewing experience occasionally. Some pics here: to be added later