packing for Escapade...

Feb 23, 2011 17:48

and going through all of my old fannish t-shirts -- should I bring them to wear, to put on the swap table...or just look them over again and smile at the memories and put them back in the box for next year?

I've got one that says "We're not gay we just love each other" (old fan wars never die); one with a million RayV/Fraser quotes on the back, Media Cannibals shirts, various cotton-depicted pictures of pretty men and women of my fannish past. I noticed I wasn't wearing them anymore, and thus stopped buying them about a decade ago, and I've given some away, but I've still got ten or more.

(I suddenly realize this post would be better with pictures, but I left my camera in Killa's car last week, and won't get it back until I see her at the con.)

Or a poll -- do y'all have fannish t's?

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