Emmy Fail, Game of Thrones, and a Guess the Ship Meme

Jul 19, 2012 17:03

Ugh once again I find myself angry and disappointed by the Emmy nominations, I don't know why I even bother to expect anything different...*sigh*

[Rant and what I'll be rooting for]My main beef is the way The Borgias once again got snubbed in all of the major categories, especially acting when such average performances as Mr. Bates, Anna, and the Earl of Grantham got recognized, Read more... )

jack/elizabeth, meme, artemis fowl, d00med to ship d00med!ships, summer 2012, tv shows, mitchell/annie, television couples, d00med!shipper for life, jacob/bella, sassy, tumblrrr, downton abbey, harry/hermione, the borgias, battlestar galactica, merlin, jake/cassie, gossip girl, books, artemis/holly, doctor/rose, twilight, ships, doctor who, being human, harry potter, gaius/six, review, game of thrones, arrested development, community, animorphs, reading, supernatural, the vampire diaries, uther/morgana

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probing_grays July 20 2012, 03:19:45 UTC

also yeah, the Jaime & Brienne thing was moved up in the show so that Jaime would have something to actually do in season 2

11 is saaaaaaaaasssssssssyyyyyyyyyyyyy


probing_grays July 20 2012, 03:20:39 UTC
Is 14 from Animorphs? Uh. Cassie/Jake? Rachel/Tobias? I WILL NAME ALL PERMUTATIONS IF NEED BE


sherrilina July 20 2012, 03:23:44 UTC
OMG YESSS YES IT IS YOU GOT IT RIGHT ON YOUR FIRST TRY! :DDD So glad somebody got that one after all, I was like, "Where are the Animorphs stans on my flist?" Four for you! (I forgot you had read them too).

Jake/Cassie were my first ever OTP, beginning my attraction for d00med ships, lol. I liked Rachel/Tobias okay too, but I was never as invested in that ship...probably because Jake and Cassie were also my favorite characters. I actually made a fanmix for J/C once (my first one--I need to get around to re-uploading it to a site like mediafire or something), and at one point in college I began a project of going through the e-books and recording all the J/C quotes for each book...


probing_grays July 20 2012, 04:02:58 UTC
woooooo! Well, I guessed that ship first because Tobias is a hawk and probably won't go to many dances ;)

hahaha, here is something else we disagree on! I always liked Rachel/Tobias more, but that was because Tobias was my faaaaav. And Rachel was my second fav.


sherrilina July 20 2012, 04:10:13 UTC
Yep, your reasoning is good, although I think he did go to this dance in his human form? :s This was the awesome Cassie book where there's that Andalite virus that infects Ax and then everyone else and eventually Cassie has to save the day by herself with the help of her Yeerk "friend" Aftran...do you remember it? It was one of my favorites! (They really should have utilized the Yeerk morph more later, IMO).

Haha what else is new? :p Yeah Jake was my ~first literary crush~ and the one I loved most and may or may not have planned to name a son after if I had one, and I loved him even more for the way his arc went in the end, the effect the war had on him--he is such a tragic hero! (Also I feel like he had a lot in common with Future!Dean in "The End"). Cassie is the one I identified with most (especially in terms of wearing unfashionable clothes and not being super into shopping and appearances and such). And just, THEY WERE BOTH ALIVE so I was heartbroken and confused why they couldn't be together when I first read it! ;_; I was ( ... )


sherrilina July 20 2012, 03:22:18 UTC
Haha I was hoping you would show up to guess that one! :D It is SASSSSSYYYYY indeed, ofc...

And lol I take it then that it is explained more later in the series then? ;) I keep seeing people shipping them so I kind of hoped there would be more behind it than just the little that's in book 1. And so with Jaimie is him being released also not until SoS, or does ACOK like end with his release?


probing_grays July 20 2012, 04:04:22 UTC
Haha, I was afraid there would be none left for me! Then I saw it and was super excited :DDDDD

The best Rhaegar/Lyanna stuff is in aCoK, so you're almost there! And yeah, aSoS opens with Jaime's POV (or at least, if it's not the first chapter, it's pretty damn close to the front)


sherrilina July 20 2012, 04:14:01 UTC
Ooh good, glad to hear it, something to look forward to! Because tbh, while I know that there will be a lot that's different because of changes and such, I am kind of eager to get to a book where I *don't* already know the basic plot....


probing_grays July 20 2012, 04:50:17 UTC
The House of the Undying is about 50 bajillion times better in the books than in the TV shows. I think it should be worth it for that alone.


sherrilina July 20 2012, 04:54:31 UTC
Intriguing! Does it involve revelations instead of just rehashing what we know already? I did like what they did in one sense though, the symbolism of her being tempted by the two things she wanted most--her son/husband (human family) and the Iron Throne, but that she rejects them and keeps looking for her dragon "children."


probing_grays July 20 2012, 04:56:09 UTC
Hahah, well, not to ruin anything, but it's straight up just a chapter of prophecies and foreshadowing


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