Carry on my wayward Cas....(Supernatural 6x20 Thoughts)

May 07, 2011 11:12

Wow....lots of shocking TV episodes this week!  I meant to post about VD yesterday, but after watching the big SN episode I have to just do that first....O_o  Big SN 6x20 spoilers obviously:

What an episode!  To start with the bad: the voiceover and biblical movie montage at the beginning were SO cheesy and lame, I was definitely cringing throughout the whole opening! :/  And THIS is them finally breaking the fourth wall, even if in the end it was meant to be addressing God, which was also really cheesy.

BUT besides that I did think it was a good episode, I loved finally seeing some answers about what has been going on in heaven and with Cas, and I think it did a good job of showing the predicament he was in and how he came to make the wrong shady decisions he did--hell, seemed convincing to me!  I think that it's a bit much to say he's going darkside, though....IDK, when I hear that I think of say, Morgana on Merlin suddenly becoming all evil and shit, and Cas is not evil.  He is clearly very lost and confused and just making bad choices, partly out of pride and partly because he is pretty much between a rock and a hard place right now and cannot think of what else to do.  I don't think anything though was truly shocking about the epp, since most of it was either hinted at last week or I'd already thought of or read theories about...

I think it's obvious from the way it was presented at least that Cas did NOT intend for Sam to be soulless, the way he was all "oh well obviously I gotta raise Sam next! I'm so powerful, I can do it!" and then we see him checking up on Sam afterwards and beginning to realize his mistake--he said "that was my warning", and I think that he just felt guilty about his error and that's why he was ignoring Sam's calls during that year, and why he was acting off towards him, because he knew something was wrong already, that it wasn't the real Sam.  (On a ~SASSY~ note I did love that he was the one who tried to raise Sam "from perdition"--loved it when he told Sam this, the way he did--and when Sam said "he's our friend too, and I'd die for him, I would" (♥) though he knows Cas well enough to figure out something is wrong.  Also Dean's line about Sam being Lois Lane if Cas is Superman...:p ;)  I was glad when they didn't have him once again show up when Dean called but not when Sam called that one time).

I love that he still wants to protect the Winchesters (BOTH of them) above all, no matter what, even when it conflicts with my plans...really my heart was breaking for all of them in this episode, especially Dean's....but Cas too, at the end, lost and praying desperately for guidance from his father, and that angsty and bitter line about "freedom is a length of rope, God wants you to hang yourself with it." ;_;  Them trapping Cas with angel fire, gah, and later Dean's speech about how he considers Cas part of his family (which I've long thought, I love Team Free Will/the OT4), and how Cas is "like a brother to me", god it was all so sad! :(  I have to say though, more than ever after this epp do I feel that "Nobody's Side" from the musical Chess is appropriate for Dean and Cas after this epp, as I detailed in my last post here! ;)

I also enjoyed of course seeing so much more of Crowley, who was delightful as always had had some great lines like, "Angel of's just not your day, is it?" (I C WUT U DID THAR show!).  Not to mention his new version of Hell, lol forever (though I think the torture thing had to be worse).  And naturally I was VERY excited at seeing the real Raphael again (I squeed when I saw Demore Barnes' name in the credits), being such a sexy BAMF in his suit and office (though come on, Raffi has better taste than being in a Republican heaven with Bush's picture on the wall!), if I do say so myself! ;)  Knocking Cas into next week LITERALLY and all that...and wanting to save his dear brother Michael from the cage Raffi/Mikey BrOTP for Life!  I kind of wish the Treehaus reunion had happened after THIS episode.  Still bitter about the female vessel/replacing DB.  And worried that Raphael is going to die, though I guess it probably has to happen at this point...:(  Though not the angel I am most worried about at the moment....

Other notable quotes:

-"Denim-wrapped nightmares!"
-"Because it's what I want"
-"My big brother knocked me into next week"
-"This is not how synergy works!"
-"Submit or die?  What are you, French?"
-"I'm still your friend.  Sam, I'm the one who raised you from perdition!"
-"Nary a hair on their artfully-tousled heads"

I wonder how they're going to resolve it all now!  If the OT4 can ever go back to being the way it was after this, if Dean and Sam and Bobby can ever find it within themselves to forgive Cas, if Cas can come to his senses and correct his mistakes to deserve such forgiveness.  I really hope they don't kill him off now, or that that isn't how he redeems himself! :o  I guess perhaps I need to bust out the Cas Prayer Circle icon for the 2-part finale in 2 weeks! O_o

Though man, Misha Collins must have been thrilled when he learned the juicy storyline they were giving him this season, even if he was absent much of it!  I always love a Cas-centric episode of course, but unlike with 4x20 "The Rapture"  (which I also personally loved) nobody can complain about Cas taking away from the story with a whole episode focused on him, since he IS the story now, the "Big Bad" so to speak, although not really...(I guess the true Big Bad behind it all is my bb Raffi...;)).

EDIT: OMG OMG I just realized--remember when the lamp blew out with Sam standing there watching Dean at the end of 5x22, and everyone was wondering what the hell was up with that, if it meant he was supernatural or still possessed or something?  Well NOW WE KNOW--CAS WAS STANDING THERE TOO ALL ALONG, HIDDEN! :o  It must have been him!  I love that we are finally getting that little piece to the puzzle/answer at long last, great little clue thrown in there at the time!

This beautiful string cover I found on Tumblr is my angsty Supernatural soundtrack right now as I think about this episode and Cas, lol.  Need to track down a copy of it...anyway, next post about the also major but more shocking recent VD epp!

chess, castiel, music, vampire diaries, sassy, raphael, sadness, review, treehaus, tv shows, supernatural

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