It's hard out here for a (community) pimp....Calling all BBC Whores!

Apr 03, 2011 20:27

So tonight I'm pimping two different land/challenge communities that both have to do with the BBC/British Television:  merlin_land  and bbcland!

First there's merlin_land, where I am a proud co-Team Leader (along with the lovely blue_emotion) of the resident Team HBIC, otherwise known as Team Morgana! ;)

(banner by....blue_emotion.  Maker of all banners it seems...;))

Basically if you enjoy Merlin, or have ever done so in the past (and perhaps still wish to remain involved in the fandom even if you are no longer into the show so much, as in my case), if you enjoy doing fanart/fanfic/whathaveyou or discussing or just playing games, if you're looking for new friends in the fandom (I made several of my closest LJ friends on this comm!), if you just want to have FUN, then this is a place for you! :)  There are all kinds of different challenges for everyone, as you compete on different teams (Morgana, Merlin, Arthur) to get the most points.  Really, I'd say 90% of my creative output for Merlin has resulted from this comm, which pushed me to really write/complete fanfic for the first time, my first picspams, etc.

Then there's bbcland, which is similar to merlin_land (and you can do Merlin-related things), except that you can also play around with other BBC/British TV this:

There I am also a co-Team Leader, but this time of Team Sci-Fi, naturally! ;)  The other teams are Drama and History.  In both cases you don't have to participate in every challenge, only some of them, and many of them are quick ones for those crunched for time.

So if you are addicted to BBC shows, and would like to meet new people and have fun, then consider checking out these two comms! ;)

Also, while I'm at it, I forgot to mention in my last post that naty_seixas made a Tumblr for Cesare/Lucrezia that is affiliated with the cesare_lucrezia  comm, so all you Tumblr types who enjoy the pairing should check it out! ;)

And Happy Borgias Day everyone!  If anyone is interested in a live episode discussion post, there's one going on here! ;)

friends, pimping, doctor who, cesare/lucrezia, merlin, tv shows, bbcland, the borgias, merlin_land

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