Year in Retrospective

Dec 12, 2008 12:25

Go to your Calendar and find the first entry for each month of 2008. Post the first line of it in your journal, and that's your "Year In Review".

I got this idea from vltavska seemed nifty, so I tried it out, though unfortunately I´m missing 3 months because I didn´t post in them--I was very sporadic at first, and too busy squeeing over the new Artemis Fowl book (grr, still need to post my review here for that!) and preparing for BD to write anything in July I here goes!  For ones where the first line doesn´t make sense unless you see the title, I posted that as well in brackets...with my comments from now as well.

This was an interesting exercise, hopefully next year I´ll be able to do it for every month!

Mar: While I'm still completely clueless about how to make fanart or icons, I did last year finally figure out how to make music fanvideos, which I thought I might as well pimp here! ;) Aw, it´s so sad to see this, since so many of the links here don´t work anyore anyway...stupid YouTube taking fan creations down! :(  And stupid lame people not letting their music or images of the show be on YT...

Apr: Well ever since seeing "The Other Boleyn Girl" in theaters a few weeks ago (which I very much enjoyed, despite its inaccuracies--but then it is based on a *fictional* book, and I think they did a decent job for translating a monster-book into only 2 hours...), I have been in high Tudor-obsession mode. I need to get that movie on DVD....

May: Wow, just saw tonight's episode of Moonlight, and man was it f*cking incredible! Awww, Moonlight....*sigh*  Those were the much potential, wasted!

June: [Kushiel´s Mercy is here at last!!!!] And a week early too!  That was so awesome....I was just thinking about it yesterday as I worked on a fanmix!  And now Carey´s next book will be coming out this June!  I can always depend on her to flesh out my reading list it seems...:D

Aug: Okay, so I've actually been finished with the new Artemis Fowl book (The Time Paradox) since July 17, and with Breaking Dawn since this past Monday--I've just been too lazy/busy doing other stuff in the fandom (like reacting to these two books elsewhere) to bother writing reviews here yet, though I've been really meaning to (especially with the AF book).  God, at least I managed to finish and post my BD review....I STILL haven´t done the AF one, and it´s sooo long after the fact now! :(  But my epic squeeing must be recorded here at some point! ;)

Sept: Well the fall TV season has officially begun tonight with a new Gossip Girl, the season 2 premiere....I´m so glad I was able to see this one at least before I left the States...and man, what a fantastic season it began!  Much better than season 1, as good as that was!

Oct: Since I never finished posting my Tudors season 2 episode commentaries/reactions, here's mine for episode 2.05--one of the best episodes of the season, a definite high point, in which we sadly say goodbye to Jeremy Northam/Sir Thomas More for good (he will be missed next season!). Awww, Sir Thomas More/Jeremy Northam....and lol, I should really get around to finishing posting these, but they´re written on papers that are all mixed up and hard to figure out which is for which epp, so...

Nov: [CBS cancels Moonlight´s replacement after less than a month!]  Don't say we didn't tell you so Nina Tassler!  ;)  Man, I´m still so bitter at CBS over this! And it still makes me want to cry every time I think of it....:(  Stupid CBS...I´ve still maintained my boycott of them with no regrets!

Dec: So I've been a little remiss in posting here lately.....but suffice it to say the last few epps of all my shows have been pretty awesome! :D And they still are, this last week was effing incredible....this reminds me I need to post my GG review though!

vampires, cbs sucks, artemis fowl, year in review, thomas more, kushiel's mercy, fanvids, breaking dawn, tudors, moonlight, gossip girl

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