Outlander, Forever, and Fall TV Schedule

Sep 26, 2014 09:13

Thanks to a free marathon promotion on my cable rn, I have spent the last few days marathoning the fantastic Outlander (in honor of Scotland's vote against independence, oop)! It is definitely my new favorite show. I had been hearing great things about it, and wanted to watch it even more once I learned that RDM and Bear McCreary of BSG were ( Read more... )

ships, music, battlestar galactica, squee, review, outlander, forever, claire/jamie, tv shows, history, frank/claire, the borgias

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honeymink September 26 2014, 20:49:25 UTC
Ah, I loved "Ringer" and was really sad when it got cancelled. I remember Ioan from a movie called "The Gathering".

Did you read the "Outlander" book(s)?


sherrilina September 26 2014, 21:17:34 UTC
Aw, another Ringer fan! <3 I think I remember that now, actually. You should definitely check out "Forever" if you liked him there--it's a fun little show, and he's a delight. I will have to check out that movie too! The only movie I have seen him in aside from Titanic is "Amazing Grace."

And no, I haven't read the Outlander books, and I'm not sure I want to while yhr show is on--unlike with GoT, I find the chara ters and setting sufficiently fleshed out and compelling in the show to not feel the need to seek it elsewhere. I know there have been some changes, so I don't want to compare--although it seems Like they are elevating the books in certain ways. For example, in an Inside Look thing the creator mentioned that he had stretched a 2-page encounter with the main villain to an entire episode to really delve into his character and up the psychological tension, etc (since it was the main villain). Have you read the books?

I hope you watch, I'm curious to hear your thoughts! :)


honeymink September 26 2014, 21:28:38 UTC
I've read the first book and didn't like it much. I was very excited about the show so I got curious and read the book. So far they haven't changed anything when it came to important plot points and I fear they won't change that one thing that was a total dealbreaker for me but that will surely only happen when the show comes back next year.

it seems Like they are elevating the books in certain ways.

They don't deviate much from the book but they do build more of a background and an atmosphere so in regard to that I agree with you that they improve on the book's world building.

I thought "Ringer" had so much potential... I always wanted to know what would happen next with Siobhan being pregnant and Bridget moving in with Henry etc.

I wasn't planning on adding any new shows this year but perhaps if I get too bored I might give "Forever" a try.


sherrilina September 26 2014, 23:30:45 UTC
Oh dear, that doesn't sound good! D: Lol now I am rather nervous about the second half of the season...and I'm especially glad I haven't read the book yet! Are you watching the show then too, or just following along on Wikipedia?

Yes, all of that AND we never got to see Siobhan and Bridget meet again!!! (Especially after the latter learned the truth). Also I desperately needed fix-it fic for Henry/Bridget. :( And to see his reaction to his apartment getting trashed. I have to say, I was impressed by the actress playing Juliet in Vampire Academy.


honeymink September 27 2014, 08:47:16 UTC
No, so far I'm watching.I was so intrigued by those first few episodes that I picked up the book. And as I said, you're right - the show does a lot to improve on the book in terms of world building but so far they haven't strayed significantly from the plot (only switched a few things around, for instance in the show Randall tells Claire about how he whipped Jaime which I thought was a good move storytelling wise as it helped expand on the character whereas in the book Dougal tells Claire how it happened... but that's not a change of the facts merely a change of perspective) so I'm not sure what'll happen when we hit a certain point in the story. We'll see.

Love your icon btw.

Also I desperately needed fix-it fic for Henry/Bridget.

I couldn't agree more!!!

I thought Zoey Deutch was adorable... "Vampire Academy" wasn't a movie I planned on watching but when I did I thought it was surprisingly fun.


sherrilina October 6 2014, 00:42:34 UTC
It sounds like they have changed other things though, like Frank's characterization (he sounds like he was a dick in the books), which is an improvement too (and makes it more logical she would be motivated to return to him). BTW, is the dealbreaker you are referring to [Spoiler (click to open)]Black Jack raping Jamie? A friend let it slip when I watched the mid-season finale with him today...if that's not it though, please don't tell me what it is.

And thanks, I love the icon too, I was so happy to find such a good F/C icon right away! (I still haven't even found a C/J one I like, ironically).

I thought Zoey Deutch was adorable... "Vampire Academy" wasn't a movie I planned on watching but when I did I thought it was surprisingly fun.Oh lol I love the VA book series (I would recommend them if you are in the market for some decent YA that focuses on female friendship and has some interesting worldbuilding), so I was definitely planning on seeing the film, but I was worried about it and Zoey's casting ahead of time...I ended up thinking she was perfect though ( ... )


honeymink October 6 2014, 01:54:22 UTC
Well, I thought Frank wasn't much in the first book at all so there wasn't anything about his character good or bad that'd make you feel one way or the other, Claire barely ever thought of him which I thought was pretty odd, they definitely did that better on the show.

And now that wasn't it, it was [Spoiler (click to open)] Jaime beating Claire and admitting to finding it arousing. I understood from a period/cultural point of view why he thought he had to beat her, so I suppose I could have dealt with that. But it wasn't a consensual experience at all and him admitting to finding excitement in her truculence and the beating... that was too much for me.

I read the books after I watched the movie. I'm not terribly fond of vampires but like the movie I thought they were good fun.


sherrilina October 13 2014, 15:49:20 UTC
Wow, that does sound awful and gross. O_o Although I feel that action doesn't really go with how he has behaved/treated her so far on the show, so I sincerely hope that they don't include that on the show. :s

And yeah, with the VA series the emphasis really isn't so much on them being vampires, which is nice (I often forget the vampire characters are vampires). I'm glad you enjoyed the books--did you ever read the spinoff series, Bloodlines? In many respects I enjoy these even more, in terms of the romantic ship and in terms of identifying with the main character.


honeymink October 13 2014, 15:56:05 UTC
It didn't necessarily go with his behaviour in the book either which made it so appalling. I mean as I said, I could have lived with it had he solely thought he had to discipline her because the other men in their riding party expected it from him to show that he had his wife under control and because he thought it was necessary since he was taught things the same way - enforcing the point by beatings so that you wouldn't forget it and act stupidly again. All that I could have lived with... it was the taking pleasure from it part on top of that was too much for me.

The show is better written than the book, so I do hope they just... do things differently there.

And no, I never read "Bloodlines" - does it contain some of the original characters?


sherrilina October 13 2014, 16:52:33 UTC
And no, I never read "Bloodlines" - does it contain some of the original characters?

Yes--it focuses on all of the characters who were screwed over at the end of the VA series: Sydney, Adrian, Eddie, and Jill. Sydney is the main narrator, although books 4 and 5 have Adrian narrating as well. Characters like Rose, Dimitri, Lissa, and Sonia also appear from time to time.


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