i need to rant!

Dec 02, 2008 23:53

sucky sucky day...ok last few hours...

there is more to this. says:
congrats im ur camp leader
there is more to this. says:
u may now panic
stacy - redicovery of my favorite breakfast says:
stacy - redicovery of my favorite breakfast says:
who else is in the grp?
there is more to this. says:
there is more to this. says:
matthew lai
stacy - redicovery of my favorite breakfast says:
so im in matthews tribe?!
there is more to this. says:
matthew the mentor
stacy - redicovery of my favorite breakfast says:
there is more to this. says:
haha i know

2 lai's...camp just seems to be getting better and better

great and i was so looking forward to camp...im surprised that nicole could read me almost immediately! it was unexpected...but then again, ive known chin hui for the longest time, since we were in primary school together then in secondary school, the whole reason why i didnt go to cmj was cos i knew she was in it...yes i know im not supposed to judge but i was always feel so...inferior next to her...dunno why...sighh...

i found out today what its like to be eulogised. i cant say i care for it very much...

Dear leaders,

As some of you may already know, Stacy has decided to step down from YM
leadership for personal reasons. Stacy has been an invaluable part of
the YM leadership and it is with sadness that we have acceded to her
request to take a break. To facilitate this important time of rest for
her and the smooth hand-over of her responsibilities, she has decided
that she will no longer continue as intern for YM. Going forward,
please refer all admin matters previously handled by her to Gladwin or
Meng Choo. Stacy will also not be involved in any leadership
responsibilities for Crosstrainers and as YSGL. Isaac will be stepping
up as Head of Crosstrainers and Ben will support him as Asst Head. Sam,
our new youth worker, will be taking over Stacy's YSG till a more
permanent replacement is found. We wish Stacy all the best in this time
of rest and will continue to support her in all her future endeavours.

In His Service,

i thought id done all my crying - apparently not

then there was this on msn with elly...

elliot! says:
maybe it's not the spiritual 'level' we have to look at here
elliot! says:
i think it's in the quietness
elliot! says:
the solitude
elliot! says:
the listening
elliot! says:
the surrender
elliot! says:
elliot! says:
to God
elliot! says:
leaning not on your own understanding
elliot! says:
He will make your paths straight
elliot! says:
but it does not mean it comes without hardship
elliot! says:
elliot! says:
elliot! says:
we are called in the bible to suffer for christ
elliot! says:
we are to carry our cross and follow him
elliot! says:
but one thing we know for sure is that God is with us every step of the way
elliot! says:
as He promised
elliot! says:
God is there , forever and eternally

that set me off even more

im supposed to drop out of xts for 6 months...i feel empty...hollowed out and dumped...i dont even know if there was a decision for me to make...
"the core team feels you should stop serving..." awful awful words...i hate this...

im angry and bitter and resentful and i have absolutely no idea how to turn it around

this is NOT the attitude i intended to have prior to retreat which is tomorrow...i feel useless, very useless
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