My first experiment with using a menstrual cup ended up being a big bucket of fail! No matter what I did it always ended up leaking and being all messy and generally not working.
Finally I had to concede that, no, I wasn't doing it wrong, the people who make the moon cup just think that my vagina is cavernous and misshapen (i.e. my moon cup was too small). THANK YOU VERY MUCH MOON CUP!
So, moon cup experiment 2.0 has begun, this time with a larger Diva cup. So far so good, although I wasn't prepared for what happened to me today at work.
No one told me that changing your menstrual cup can create hideous squishing sounds, much like the sounds cthulu would make if he rose out of the depths (or you know, my apparently enormous vagina)...
These get amplified to the nth degree when you are in a resonant public bathroom. My apologies, co-worker in the next cubicle. No i did not bring an octopus to work with me.