Dec 30, 2009 19:06
Haven't posted in ages but i figure it is time to stop being such a lurker!
Had a particularly horrifying day at work yesterday after a 50 minute call (which I am angry at myself for not cutting short).
A woman who had a history of assault decided that over the phone, at Christmas time when there are no services available was the PERFECT time to tell a stranger all about the horrific things that a group of men did to her and her dog. With bolt cutters. In detail, including descriptions D: D:
I know that people need to open up and share their stories and all that - but that's the kind of thing you do in face to face counselling that takes LOTS AND LOTS OF LONG TERM WORK. You cannot deal with that shit in a single phone call.
And I told her this, several times, and explained that now was not an appropriate time to talk about it. I even checked and made sure that she had someone else that she could talk about it with (which she did). And she just kept going.
All that she ended up doing was dumping all of her trauma onto me and left saying "wow, that felt really therapeutic". Well I'm glad it felt therapeutic for you, because you ended up just transferring all of your PTSD onto me!
Grumble grumble. Also I am getting sick of my job, and told my team leader today that I wanted to go for her position when it opens up. Only to be told that I would make a perfect candidate and she would happily recommend me - except there is going to be a restructuring of the mental health team meaning her position won't be offered until February and even then, it's not a certainty.
WAAAH! Time to find a new job, me thinks...