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Dec 09, 2009 23:55

  • 09:34 Just realized how hellish today is going to be. Classes till 2, work from 2-6, then A+ review from 7-12am. Fml.
  • 09:39 I am corrected. A+ is from 8pm to 12am
  • 12:58 I think I did pretty good on my acctg test. One more for that class. Tomorrow, Psych final.
  • 13:24 Didn't realize how bad my bmi is until I had to calculate it for my life expectancy in Psych class. *cries* I need to lose 15lbs at least.
  • 18:20 "When I say 'I'm psyched', I actually really am!!!"
Ok, so here's my real update for today (post-dated of course). Accounting test went well. I need a 77 on EACH test (Tests 5 and 6) to pass the class with a C, since this guy doesn't do a plus or minus scale. Usually that sucks for me, but this time (I'm hoping) it totally went in my favor!

I had my last Developmental Psychology class of mah LYFE! and I couldn't be happier. I hated that class. It was terribly boring, and we spent two weeks studying anything non-baby related. Anyone who knows me, knows that I despise babies. And/or learning about them. The only thing we did in that class today was calculate our life expectancy. Apparently, I'll die when I'm 90.

Part of that calculation is in regard to your current BMI. I hadn't calculated mine in a while, and I just figured I was 10 or so lbs heavier than I needed to be. I calculated my BMI now (27.5) and my BMI when I entered college (23), and subsequently realized I'M A FATTY! Fuuuuck. I need to lose at LEAST 15 lbs to be healthy. Luckily, I lost about 5 lbs in the last few weeks and it's STAYED OFF! So, I just need to keep going...

Later, I was waiting for Preston's group project people to let him go... and I sit down at a computer to check email and whatnot while I wait. So, I'm doing my thing, and the girl sitting next to me leans over almost parallel to the ground and the conversation goes something like this:

"What's you studying? Major-wise?"
"I'm double majoring in Psychology and Management"
"So, you're going to have a lab or a clinic or something?"
"Yeah, hopefully. I'm hoping to study some brain stuff, or whatever"
"I don't know, it interests me. I want to know how and why we work. I want to understand what a normal vs abnormal brain looks like, and how it affects people... etc."
"Oh, you'll never know. It's way too complicated in here."
"Well, I'd like to try."
"WELL. You're dealing with the enemy here. I'm crazy. Not even I understand it and I'm the one that's crazy. So, I say you'll never understand it."
"So how many beds are you going to have? It sounds like a PRISON"
"...I wasn't going to have any. Just an MRI machine or something... I don't know, really, I don't know what I want to research yet. It wasn't going to be somewhere people were forced to stay."
"Do you know what the leading cause of death is? What Biden says?"
"Of who?"
"Ok, what's the leading cause, then?"
"Well, I wouldn't be neglecting anybody. People would come and go as they please, and probably get paid for their time, too."
She looked really displeased that I wasn't planning on killing anybody.

From there, pretty much she started saying anything. Some were random facts, some were berating me, some sounded like she was just talking to herself. I left.

It was just a really weird experience. It seems too coincidental that she would ask that question, and have those things to say. It was a very surreal experience in general. I'm really not sure what to make of it at this point.

crazy people, school, gym

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