So, I had a little bit of a panic attack just now. I just randomly thought, oh hey, what if that one class that starts next week, yeah about that, what if it actually started in Jan when I got here? What if I've missed half of it already? Fuck fuck fuck fuckity fuck.
It was strange. I've had nightmares that were of the same theme, where I registered for something missed it until the last day of the semester and realized I should have been going the whole time and never dropped it, therefore getting a huge F. Luckily, if that happens here I just don't register for the final and nothing bad happens... but at SDSU it's not like that. Well I guess if you miss the first two classes they auto-drop you, but still....
Why do I have nightmares about school? wtf?
I think I just get stress attacks like that every time a new session of classes starts.
Does anyone have the same thing happen to them?