The weather was really nice today, about 66 degrees, so Gina, Sarah, Gabrielle and I went to the park for a picnic! :3
It's actually pretty massive. I can't remember what the tower is, but I believe it was once part of a castle.
I spent time eating my ham/cheese rolls (lol I had no bread) and drawing this design. I'm really glad I brought my inking pens with me. You can probably tell, but I'm loving hime style more and more. Maybe one day I'll buy a Jesus Diamante dress. :3
Offwhite Dupioni (or Poly Shantung depending on budget/ if it's a mockup or final) for the body, pink chiffon for bows, matching pink tulle lace.
After that, I went to the gym and took my regular DDR class. There were 3 new people, all guys. It's usually an all-girls class, and these guys were really good. I couldn't keep up! After that, Gabrielle came to the gym and convinced me to go to yet another class. I so I spent an hour DDRing and an hour doing weight training. Phew.
Wish me luck in getting out of my bed tomorrow morning. It's gonna hurt. I think I'll take an asprin before bed. :(