(no subject)

Mar 16, 2009 23:26

Happy Birthday sherrymarie!

Sherry, I hope that you've been well and that you got to do something fun for yourself today. I really miss you and I'd love to see you start posting again. *hugs*

Also. I'm doing this Geology class on saturdays. Its annoyingly long, as I'm in class seriously nearly all day, but is only eight classes do to the annoyingly long bit. The first day of class was scheduled as March 14. I've three friends who are also doing this class, so we're riding there together, to save some on gas, because its at KSU's Trumbull campus, which is about an hour away. So, saturday we drive to Trumbull, arrive in time for the eight a.m. start time, and spend twenty minutes sitting around waiting before someone pops their head in, asks what we're all doing there, and tells us that the class actually starts this weekend. This class has been scheduled to start the 14 for more than four months. So, WTF Kent Trumbull? Because I just realized that I've no clue if I've ever said this before: I go to Kent State University, but I've taken classes almost exclusively at the Ashtabula campus, which is under a half hour away and costs literally half of what it does to go to main campus.


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