Happy Birthday Yamapi ♥ !!!!!
and because i liked the pictures so much i decided to make two wallpapers.
comment if you like it ^___^
i...have nothing more to say now...XD
just watched MBMH 08...what a cry-baby ;)
Current new Item:
A Best 2 -White- (ALBUM+2DVDs) (First Press Edition) (Japan Version),
A Best 2 -Black- (ALBUM+2DVDs) (First Press Edition) (Japan Version) ♥
Current Dorama: Hana Yori Dango II ( ♥ last Episode ;__;) My Boss My Hero, Tatta Hitotsu no Koi (i like it, but i can't watch it till the end, because kame has no new dramas out now... XD)