Mar 22, 2011 21:04
The good thought for tomorrow.
Feed the birds.
We angels work closely with birds to send you messages of love. When you see a bird exhibiting unusual behavior or find
feathers in unexpected locations, you can be sure that we are behind it.
There is a reason why we are depicted with wings, as both we and the birds soar above all seeming limitations and problems. Yet we always keep a watchful eye below. We may not be experiencing the struggles, but we are supporting you through everything that happens.
I fee the bird and feel my heart become light as a feather, noticing the angelic signs that come to me. I allow my spirit
to fly as freely as a bird.
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Никогда не кормила птиц, кстати. За исключением куриц у бабушки, им я скармливала червяков, выкопанных тут же на огороде :)