May 23, 2008 02:20

 sleeping after eating sucks, thus the random late night update. 
             birthday: everybody drank too much and it resulted in Justin getting his head shaved and a swastika shaved into his chest. CJ fell asleep/woke up cuddling with the bathroom rug which is sick, bong water was sprayed, and plenty of other shit that i dont remember.
             julie's bday: jewelry show at rachels which was fun. then dinner with julie and her friends. eh, it was alright.  
             The Hives: i love them so much but going to Mil-COCK-ee sucked a lot. fuck that place. these stupid old hags that had their great grandchildren make them mixed tapes of the hives were being assholes at the show and rachel told them to fuck off and it was awesome! and i wish it was on tape so we can watch it over and over again. fuck old people. the chicago show was so much better and the crowd didn't suck. we literally ran the fuck out of there because it sucked. and i drove about 90 mph the whole way home. fuckem.
               random: yesterday = interview for the study abroad program to china. if i dont get to go, kamil's family invited jtang and i to Poland which would still be cool but....its fuckin china. my skin color isnt going to change so i might as well pretend to be asian-ish.
i got hired as a fitness floor supervisor! woo! but not really cuz it's nothing special. then after work karla, nicole, and poppe went out hence eating so late.

apparently, i'm going over to mordhaus now, so adios. oh and GDMF-er has been the saying of the week.
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