Testing, testing. One, two, three...

Oct 03, 2005 02:00

I don't know why I can't ever sleep before these goddamn tests. I get all of these hypothetical questions in my head. Over and over again. It gets old. I tried listening to music but that didn't work. Maybe it wasn't the right kind of music. Amiee got this little hoodie for my boy to wear. It is really cute. I hope he is just like me, only less, uh, fidgety. I don't know if I am lazy, or anxious, or if I have ADD. Maybe a little of all three. The test tomorrow is on the immune system, which is basically sweet. There is so much to the immune system. I really get a kick out of it. This is such a perfect time to have a child in the making. Not only can I tell you all kinds of details about the human body, I can tell you about which ones my son is developing as we speak. It makes it much more appealing to learn this way.

I ate a big bowl of fruit loops, and it was wonderful. They have more red loops in the mix now. And that is just fine with me. Since moving to Nashville, I have developed a taste for red koolaid; something fierce. I have gotten up at three in the morning and gone out into the kitchen naked to make myself a glass of the shit. I down it, and go back to bed. Crazy!

Twenty eight more days until Halloween. I don't know what I am going to dress up as. I was thinking someone from "Team America" maybe. That would be funny.

I didn't go to the movie the other night. I just went grocery shopping at the Kroger. There were some real freaks there too. I think that much like Skagit county, the real boogins come out of the hills at night to feed. There was some nutjob at the store, and he must've had some kind of organic disturbance going on. Or he was a crackhead. It could be one or the other, as the symptoms often look the same. When I was leaving the store, he was walking across the parking lot, and I thought about running him over. Not to be mean, but it was driving me nuts.

I don't know what I did to my back, but the last few mornings I have awoke to some fierce back pain. It feels like I lost a hatchet fight the night before. I have been laying on this heating pad to make it better, and horsing down three naproxens before bed. Hopefully it is better tomorrow because I need to be standing for about four hours while I do some surgery. And it is sawing/hammering stuff, and that is hard on a happy back, and murder on a beat down one.

We stripped the thyroid off of Marv. There is so much going on with such a small gland. There is alot of vessels and nerves that run into and around it also. You really have to be careful where you cut. If you nick the recurrent laryngeal nerve, the person will be hoarse for the rest of their life, and you will get sued. I was joking around about coming down to the lab late at night and cutting out the thyroids on all of the bodies, so that Dr. Jackson couldn't tag any of the structures for the practical test. Then I thought, shit, why not just cut off all the heads, and run off with them. That would be a tough steal though. Seventy thyroids, that might weigh five pounds and fit in a shopping bag. Seventy heads, well, eight fit in a duffel bag. Don't ask me how I know that, I just know it. And since the building has security, that wouldn't work.

Me and a few of my friends snuck around the basement of the cadaver lab the other day. It was like something out of resident evil. There were a ton of freezers, and some of them just had extra chairs in them. One had a few bodies in it though, and another had prepared bodies in these ghetto ass cardboard boxes that were delivered by the funeral home. I would imagine that they would go into storage. There was also the body of a toddler, but I didn't go near it because I don't like to think about dead toddlers. I mean, I don't like to think about dead anything, but having a toddler, well, I don't want to think about anything happening to her. It freaks me out, and I have to shake my head to make it stop.

Well, while I was sneaking around, I must've bumped something, because a full length table fell over, and made a huge "BANG!" when I shut a body fridge door, and everyone took off running. It didn't really startle me, but then everyone started running and then I began to think that maybe they knew something that I didn't. We had an assembly last week about multi-cultural affairs, and the Haitians said that Santeria practicioners can raise the dead and create zombies, and that just isn't something that I need to see right now, so I ran too.

"You are a whole different person when you are scared."
-Warren Zevon
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