Writer's Block: Sh*t Happens

Feb 11, 2012 21:25

Take care of your body.  Find somebody who is positive and watch what they're like.  Model yourselves after them and see where that takes you.  You won't be able to become them but you can adopt some of their best habits!  Figure out how to get results you want in life.  (There's no substitute for healthy PROOF that you're capable!!!  So try to get what you want -- then you'll know you can do it!) Wake up each morning with purpose.

Know that a lot of the reason why people don't get what they want is because they give up.  It's an epidemic.

Don't be afraid of the moment when you need to admit -- gee, I was stupid.  I'm certainly not judging you!

Live in the moment.  Harness the moment for the future.

Laugh, sing, dance (if you're into that).

Treat yourself as well as you would anyone else.

This is the best I can come up with -- I'm not a consistently positive person so I might be a terrible source of info for this very good question!

When you get positive enough that the masses of un-positive people start to weigh you down, surround yourself with positive people and limit the influence of the downers.  Hopefully some of the downers will start to take note of the happiness of positive people and try to join the club. :)

Oh, and by the way, each new day is A NEW BEGINNING.  Yes, it is!  You get to write your future!!!  Your limitations will make themselves known.  Just accept them when they present themselves.  Don't worry -- someone else probably doesn't have that limitation.  You don't have to be a jack of all trades.  Someone else is likely blessed where you have discovered you are not.

writer's block

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