Originally posted to
musemuggers 06/06/2004
Prompt #39 - He's an all-American amnesiac househusband with a robot buddy named Sparky.
Man Talk
* sparky - has joined #wastingtime
* househubby - has joined #wastingtime
sparky: Dude! Where have you been? I haven't seen you online for ages.
househubby: It's been a busy couple of weeks. Jean got a new job and Jack started school. I've been rushed off my feet all week.
sparky: Sounds like fun; makes me glad I have a real job.
househubby: Looking after a family is a real job...
househubby: And I'm not the one chatting all day when I should be working :p
sparky: Um...good point.
sparky: You have some time off now then?
househubby: Yeah, it's a lot quieter with Jack at school, I have a lot more free time.
sparky: I bet Jeanie's doing her best to fill it for you.
househubby: No kidding. The ideas she's got, I think I have to rebuild the whole house or something.
sparky: LOL, well, that'll teach you to give her the pants.
househubby: Didn't have much choice.
househubby: What with the redundancy.
sparky: Yeah I know dude.
househubby: ...
househubby: Y'know
househubby: I like being close to my kids and all, but damn it gets hard sometimes.
sparky: Dude, I really don't need to know.
househubby: Fuck you. You know what I mean. All I ever hear is how Jeanie wears the trousers in the house. Or how lucky I am that I can sit around having fun all day. It wears thin after a while.
sparky: Gee, I'm sorry, I didn't know...
househubby: Don't worry about it. You I can cope with; I don't except anything better from you.
sparky: Thanks!
househubby: You're welcome.
Sparky: Is it really that bad?
househubby: No. No, I'm justing blowing off steam. I don't get much chance.
Sparky: No?
househubby: Well, it'd make Jeanie feel guilty if I talked to her and well, the guys, they don't understand. Guys don't really do that do they.
sparky: I'm a guy.
househubby: I know, but you're not really real.
sparky: I think I am.
househubby: It's different.
househubby: Easier, when I don't have to look at you.
sparky: That's good, 'cause I pull faces.
househubby: I thought you couldn't help that.
sparky: Oh, harsh, Dude.
sparky: Still it'll all change in a few years yeah?
sparky: When Lily starts school.
househubby: Lily...
sparky: Yeah, you can go back to work then...
househubby: Lily!
sparky: Yes, Lily. Dude what's wrong with you?
househubby: The supermarket!
sparky: Eh?
househubby: The baby seat! Supermarket!
househubby: I thought it was too quiet.
sparky: Oh God, you didn't?
househubby: I gotta go...
sparky: You did!
* househubby - has quit IRC (Daddy's coming!)
sparky: Dude?
sparky: ...
sparky: wft?
Sparky: LOL!
sparky: Oh well.
* sparky - has quit IRC