Still not able to properly think this through

Jul 14, 2013 17:46

Is there such a thing as a consulting feminist? Because I feel like I need to talk to one, on how I got to where I am, and where indeed I actually am, on gender issues. I don't spend a lot of time reading around the topic, and I'm not likely to either, but things come up where I find my experiences of being female, and of being a female that does ( Read more... )

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shermarama July 15 2013, 19:42:50 UTC
The odd thing is I don't think of my parents as the type to be progressive about anything, and particularly not about gender. My mother still reminisces sometimes about enjoying education, but she stopped after A-levels because my dad said she could either go to university or marry him, so she married him. And even after the divorce, she never did much other than be a housewife.

I was quite stubborn as a child, and did argue back (and got into trouble with teachers for it sometimes) because I knew what I wanted (Lego and trousers) and what I didn't want (anything pink and frilly, anything to do with dressing up and make-up) and I sort of don't know where that came from. I was certainly told that I couldn't have technical Lego, only the sort that you build houses with, because girls don't play with technical Lego, but after long persistence and saving up enough money to buy my own, my dad gave in. It didn't work for everything - I didn't get to do woodwork at school for the same reason you didn't get to do technical drawing - but then my role in chores involved things like washing the car and helping with DIY, and then later on when me and my sister worked in the family business, my sister was a check-out girl and office girl, and I was out on the warehouse floor stacking things and driving pallet trucks. It was just what I wanted to do, and they must have been some sort of progressive to let me. (Though maybe that was a size thing again. At fourteen I was five foot ten and couldn't be fitted into any women's clothes at all, so in my oversized sweatshirts and men's jeans that were getting too short, what else was I going to be?)


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