One more time...

Dec 09, 2006 14:03

Tagged again. Sorry if these ones are a little longer.

Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits about themselves. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird habits/things as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 6 people to tag.

1. When I was in junior high, almost every day I would eat my lunch as fast as I could, and then rush off to the small school library, where I would read. However I always kept a box of Gobstopers hidden behind one of the book cases, that I might have a treat with my reading.
2. I always have to shake the milk jug before I pour milk onto my cereal.
3. I love the smell of the pages of the books I am reading, and consequently am always smelling them. This proved to be a resource for me when I was younger and my locker was in a basement hallway and the power went out. No one could tell which books to take home with them from their lockers because they could not see. I on the other hand, had no trouble at all finding the proper textbooks for my homework, since I recognized the smell of each.
4. I saw the Fellowship of The Ring in the theater 13 times.
5. For some unknown reason, whenever I feel really awkward in a situation, or embarressed, I unconciously start saying my old locker combination over and over out loud.
6. My favourite pens are Parker jotters, which typically are about $5.00 and are fantastic. Unfortunately, I can not seem to hold onto one for longer than a month or two, and consequently, since I started using them I have literally gone through over 30-40 of these pens (you do the math and see how much money I have wasted). How they disappeared is an epic for another telling.
7. I like to eat chips with a fork.
8. I have driven a hearse (with a body in the back).
9. A number of years ago I had a huge wart on my right thumb, and because I was embarrassed by it whenever I would sit with my hands together or pray I would make sure my right thumb was tucked under my left thumb and into the palms of my hand. Even though the wart is long gone, it still feels weird to expose my right thumb, so still to this day I always hold my hands together this way.
10. I like to tear off small pieces of brown paper towels (the kind often in public rest rooms) and put it on my tongue, and suck out its flavour.

Okay, now I tag: Kirsty, Katie Braze, Joshua Welch, Stephanie Cox, and anyone else who wants to (Phil again! Phil again!)
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