Offered Item -- Prints and postcard print
Number of each item -- 2 full-size prints and 1 postcard print (each sold separately)
-- Item Images --
Full-size Print 1
Full-size Print 2
Postcard Print
Tumblr --
Reblog --
Starting Bid for Full-Size Prints -- $3
Starting Bid for Postcard Print -- $2
Shipping cost for US (full-size/postcard) -- $3 / $1
Shipping cost outside of US -- $5 / $2
-- Legal Information --All bidders must have an email to be contacted through- Either Log in to LJ and leave your email with your bid OR leave an anonymous comment with your email. You will not receive your item if we cannot email you. To leave a bid, comment below with your email and the dollar amount you wish to bid. All bids must be in whole USD dollar amounts [eg. $1, not $1.50]. There is no cap on the amount you can spend on an item. All payments will be the amount of your bid, plus the amount of S&H, which is subject to change.