The Mortar and The Glue

Jul 13, 2012 01:04

Title: The Mortar and The Glue
Author: Trista_zevkia
Chapter: 1/5
Fandom: Sherlock BBC
SLASH unless otherwise indicated.
Characters/Pairing: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Rating: PG-17
Word Count: 22,000 ish, overall
Warnings: Hinted at forced sex, description of dead body
Summary: The Warlock Sherlock is sent to determine if the land on the far side of the mountains is safe. Between Jim and John, he just can't decide.
Disclaimer: All this happened, more or less
Author's Notes: For theSherlock Reverse Big Bang
Artist Extraordinary:etharei
Beta Goddess:ecto-gammat All remaining mistakes are mine own, as I can't leave well enough alone. She pointed out something in the plot that I didn't get fixed in time for her to beta it again, so really, all my fault. You should see what she's forced to work with!

Link to Fic: Chapter 1
Link to Art:etharei


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