May 21, 2011 02:04

Only slightly late, here are the winners of the Spring Into Sherlock festival awards! As Rachel said, everyone who entered got at least one vote: so whoever you are, someone out there thought your work was a winner!

Now, without further ado:

Best Artwork

Best Ficlet
(I know I said I would cast the deciding vote in the case of a tie, but I just couldn't bring myself to choose! So please congratulate our joint winners:)

Best Fic: Gen

Best Fic: Het

Best Fic: Slash

Best of the Fest

Congratulations to all of our winners, and to everyone who took part in the fest! (And to everyone who left a comment on a work they enjoyed--you make it worth it for all the authors and artists!)

This fest was AWESOME FANTASTIC because of each and every one of you! *cue Wonder Years theme song*


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