roh_wyn Email address:
What you are offering (select - you can choose more than 1, though you'll only be ASSIGNED 1): Fic
What genres are you willing to produce? (You can select more than one): angst, drama, humour (maybe).
What if any pairings are you prepared to write/produce? (You can also say "any" or "none"!): Any, but prefer to write genfic.
Is there anything you WON'T produce?: no porn/kink, no dub-con/non-con, stuff like that.
What are your main strengths as a writer/artist?: dialogue, angst, short writing
Are you willing to pinch hit? Yep.
What you would like to receive (you can select more than 1, though you will only RECEIVE 1): fic, fanmix
What genres would you most like to receive? (You can select more than one): humour, fluff, angst, drama
Are there any pairings you'd really love to get?: Sherlock/John, but I'm not picky
Do you have any squicks/things you really don't want?: no non-con, dub-con, rape, no hardcore kink/smut, no grown-men-acting-like-children
Use this space to tell your writer/artist about what you'd love!: I like snappy dialogue of the sort featured on the show, and I like humour. These things go together like Santa and reindeer. Or Sherlock and nicotine patches, if you prefer. :)