Title: The Unintended Consequences Of A Clever Ruse
Author: Ragna (
Characters/Pairings: Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper
Rating: PG
Prompt: 14 - Any; "We can sleep in the same bed and nothing has to happen, she said. Bullocks." (Het pairing.)
Word Count: 8505
Summary: In order to catch a killer, Sherlock and Molly must live together and pretend to be a couple. Sherlock is against the idea from the start, but as time progresses and the case drags on he finds himself looking at Molly in a whole new light. Perhaps this clever ruse would have unexpected but welcome consequences after all...
Authors Notes: I keep answering my own prompts, I notice. Anyway, I wrote this in about four hours, so forgive if it seems a little off. Hope you enjoy!
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