Sherlockmas: 2013 SPF Prompting Post

Jul 01, 2013 00:03

Prompting for the sherlockmas 2013 Summer Prompt Fest until July 10 is closed!

If you haven't read the Information Post, please review that before prompting - and if you'd like to promote the fest, you can find graphics here. Below are the prompting guidelines - please pay particular attention to the spoiler policy. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

  • Anyone can prompt! You don't need to be a member of the community, you don't need to be planning on filling a prompt - you don't even need to be a registered Livejournal user. (Anonymous comments are automatically screened, but the mod will unscreen anonymous prompts as quickly as possible.)
  • Please make as many prompts as you like. You can list multiple prompts in a single comment. If you decide to come back later and add additional prompts, please place them in a new comment rather than editing your original comment.
  • You may prompt for fic, art, videos, graphics, podfic, or any other kind of fanwork. Prompts can be as specific or as general as you'd like.
  • Our theme this summer is travel - you're not required to tailor your prompts to the theme, but if you feel inspired to page through some guidebooks, come up with an unusual setting, suggest an AU set in a different place, or otherwise work transport into your prompts, have at it.
  • If your prompt contains anything that requires a warning under our warnings policy, please include a warning in the subject line of your comment. (For example: WARNING: suicide.)
  • Prompts should not include any material drawn from set photos or other Series 3 spoilers. If you have questions about what constitutes a spoiler, please ask. Completed fanworks, however, may contain spoilers, so if you would prefer your prompt be filled without spoilers, consider saying as much in your prompt. Prompt fillers are not required to abide by prompters' wishes, but no doubt some will appreciate the heads up.
  • Once prompting is closed, prompts will be collected into a single list (stripped of prompter information) on the prompt claiming post (forthcoming).

  • Prompts should follow this format: Character(s) and/or pairing(s); prompt. Pairings should be indicated with a slash (i.e. Jim/Molly, Sally/Irene, Sherlock/Lestrade/Dimmock), and unpaired characters separated with commas (i.e. Mycroft, Sebastian Wilkes). Examples: Sherlock/Lestrade; shipwrecked. Molly/Lestrade, Mycroft/Irene/Moriarty; an incredibly awkward hotel brunch. John, Sally; stuck in traffic.
  • You may also make prompts not specifying any character or pairing; in that case, simply specify Any in place of character names.

Prompt away! Once again, if you'd like anything clarified, please just ask!

2013 spf, 2013 spf prompt post, !modpost

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