Title: World Changing Decisions, Life Changing News
Creator: Ragna (
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: John Watson, Anthea, Mycroft Holmes, Sherlock Holmes, Greg Lestrade
Warnings: None
Prompt: 32. John-centric post-Reichenbach where John leaves London behind and joins up with Doctors Without Borders. Someplace where he can do a LOT of good putting his skills as an ex-soldier, a doctor AND someone who's followed Sherlock around for a while to good use
Summary: In the time since Sherlock's death, John has been making a true difference in the world with Doctors Without Borders. When Mycroft summons him back to London, he's confused at first, until it's revealed that Sherlock is alive and well. John must grapple with the thoughts and feelings he has about the whole situation and make a decision about whether he wants to continue with his new life or attempt to go back to his old one.
Creator's notes: I get the sinking suspicion this is the only WIP I will finish today, but here it is. I hope you all like it.
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