Afterglow Fest: Prompt Offering

Jan 03, 2013 14:00

For a brief explanation of just what the heck an Afterglow Fest is, check out the announcement I made earlier. It offers a general outline of the fest, and in the comments are a couple questions people had. Feel free to ask more, if you have any.

This is the post where you offer up your prompts!

There were a lot of very excellent prompts made by the participants of this fest - way more than could have been written for the exchange! If you have an idea you'd still like to see written (or arted, or fanmixed, or - whatevered!), head on back to the Sherlockmas 2012 sign-ups post and copy and paste your unused prompts into a comment to this entry. (Remember: only prompts that were not used for your gift fic may be offered!)

I will be posting author reveals for Sherlockmas 2012 as well as full information for the afterglow fest this Saturday, 5 January. (I will also be posting a Master List of Prompts for the Afterglow Fest. However, I will be adding in prompts as people offer them, so if you didn't get a chance to put your prompts in before Saturday, don't worry: you can still do so!)

After 5 January, any large work based on an Afterglow Fest prompt may be posted directly to the comm. Smaller works should be reserved for the Friday Drabble Days post, the first of which will be 11 January. (General guidelines for "large" and "small" works can be found on the announcement post. If a guideline for the type of the work you want to contribute is not specified, please use your best judgment as to where/when it should be posted.)

Bring Out Yer Prompts!

(Note: you may need to edit your prompts for clarity: say, they reference something you said in the rest of your sign-up, like a pairing or a crossover canon. That's totally fine. Otherwise, prompts should basically be copy/pasted as is, i.e. no new prompts. If some of your prompts were holiday/season-specific, you might want to offer them anyway: writers may feel free to substitute in any holiday/occasion/season they choose. Ultimately, the choice of whether to offer prompts and which ones to offer is up to you!)

afterglow fest: prompt offering, afterglow fest 2012, !modpost

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