Aug 25, 2009 20:43

I'm trying to raise money for my AmeriCorps school, Rocketship Si Se Puede Academy, to get them equipment for a Floor Hockey set.

The school doesn't have a Physical Education program; however, through the Playworks program, a coordinator is onsite with the students all day, facilitating a safe, inclusive play environment for the students to remain active and healthy. That coordinator is me.

The Rocketship program is a non-profit (like Playworks) that is working to open schools focused on eliminating the gap between low-income students and middle-class students. But, because both organizations are non-profit, the budget isn't very large and the physical education equipment budget is minimal at best. Enough for some playground balls and jumpropes, really.

I'm trying to raise the money to purchase a floor hockey set for these students to help make their recess time as special, educational and as active as possible.

If you think you might be able to help, please consider donating to the cause.


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