(no subject)

Aug 29, 2007 12:45


The events of last night have left such a foul taste in my mouth that I feel the need to express what exactly it is that irks me so much about your general behavior, and the blatant hypocrisy of your actions.

This was so obviously an attempt at “payback” for the less than favorable review I left for your story at MTT. In your profile, you ask for feedback as you try new types of characterization. A statement like that INVITES constructive criticisms, which is what I gave. I felt your characterization was off, I told you how and why and where exactly I felt it was skewed, and you obviously were NOT mature enough to handle hearing that, because your first reaction is patrol my journal.

By happenstance I’d left something unlocked that should have been locked to begin with, and in another grand display of maturity, rather than comment to the post (which not only is unlocked, but allows anonymous postings [though you have an LJ user name, as we all know] if you felt the need to hide completely) about how you found it in poor taste, you took it directly to a community where you KNOW the author of the fic is a regular, and you KNEW they would see it. A fifth grader wouldn’t have done it any differently.

Then you berate me for posting my opinions (mean as they were, they were only opinions which you are completely free to ignore and move on from) for being in a “public forum,” which I must contest because my livejournal is NOT cnn.com, and tell me I’m like THOSE people. Those people that create lj user names and leave comments like “I want to slap [Pam], and I *love* Pam. … Please. This is not the Pam we see every week,” (which really when you think about it isn’t all that different from the review I left YOU. Interesting!) which I certainly didn’t do because I used MY NAME and I TOOK RESPONSIBILITY FOR IT.

But more than just berating ME in a public forum that is FAR more visited than my journal ever will be, and you KNOW it, you go and then LINK to the said post that you’re so put-off by! So that EVERYONE ELSE can read it and see what a scumbag I am.

Again you’ve passed up a chance at taking the high road. It would have been no sweat off my back to say “wow, sherlockelly left a nasty review in her journal about a fic that didn’t deserve to be torn apart like that. THAT is why I like this place better than LJ, how can people do that?” And left everything COMPLETELY anonymous, (better yet if you’d just said you found a REVIEW, and left out my name).

But you didn’t do that. You wanted EVERYONE to know that I get off on tearing things apart and thus the review that I left you in all sincerity was complete crap, just a troll, and I actually meant to say, “yes, nej, this was the most wonderful piece of fluff I’ve ever read in my entire existence.”

And not only that, but you wanted everyone else to READ it! You wanted the author to see it! Only that wasn’t going to happen when I flocked it, rightfully. So you sent them a PM, telling the author not only what fic it was, but what chapter, probably even what was said!

Congratulations on showing ME up on the maturity level! I guess I should have just taken my review right TO the author! Sent it in a nice little email and then tried to rub salt in the wounds. Glad I could leave that part up to you though.

Not once in my post (which was not a review, or a critique and never claimed to be either, but rather wank for wanks sake, which what I do, and is stupid yes, but THIS IS THE INTERNET) did I mention the author. Not once. But it’s a damn good thing YOU pointed it out!

To state that you recognize the author’s reluctance to weigh in was do to embarrassment, but to reiterate THREE TIMES who the author was, when again, only a select few who saw the post before it was locked knew for certain, was in such poor taste that I can’t even express to you how childish it was.

I’m not going to sit here and claim that I’m Gandhi and didn’t do anything wrong, but I AM going to say that I never once publicly outted the author in a forum of their peers. If the author would have been on my friends list? OBVIOUSLY I would have kept my mouth shut, because it’s courtesy not to post something as mean I did in a place where the subject could see it. And I know that, WHICH IS WHY I DIDN’T INTENTIONALLY DO IT.

That you feel you have the right to pass judgment on me when you’re NOTORIOUS for thriving off this sick drama that you create, in both your actions and statements, and waiting for the mods or your loyal following to come save you, or just your ability to play dumb, the second someone throws a stone back, then maybe you should just take a few steps back off your high and mighty throne and realize that you’re not one of the mature, innocent bystanders that you so often paint yourself to be.

Go ahead and deny it if you want, but you know damned well that plenty of people have evidence that I am right and maybe you should just stand up and take responsibility for what you’ve said and done yourself before you throw me to the dogs and hold me so accountable.


This is open for everyone to comment on because I take responsibility for my words.

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